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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

different type lenses

What is the difference between a 1:1.9 lens and a1:1.28 lens on a Canon auto focus camera?

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October 28, 2002


Jon Close
  1:n is the common way to express a ratio outside the US. On a lens the ratio usually refers to the lens's focal length divided by the lens's maximum aperture diameter, so a lens with focal length 50mm and maximum aperture diameter of 27.78mm would be expressed as 1:1.8 or f/1.8. A larger ratio (smaller f/number) means a larger aperture that lets more light through the lens to the film.

I am unfamiliar with any Canon slr lenses or point & shoot cameras with maximum apertures of 1:1.9 or 1:1.28. 1:1.8 and 1:2.8 are more common. On which camera model/lens do you find these?

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October 29, 2002

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