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Photography Question 

Pat Harry

What do you do with your photographs?

I've committed myself this year to entering the contest every day, and carrying my camera with me all the time. These are big steps for me, but I can already see the difference it is making in my photographs.

But... what do you do with all your photos? Do you print them? If so, do you put them in a photo album?

Up until just a couple of years ago, my photos were of events, my kids, etc. I'm a scrapbooker, and I put these photos in layouts. But now my photographs are of anything that catches my eye. I don't really want to scrap(book) them, but I also don't want them to just disappear in my archives.

So, what do you do with your photos?

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February 15, 2011


Nancy Marie Ricketts
  Pat: Now, I save them in an large outside hard drive. I save in RAW, PSD, and JPEG (for web). When I feel that I have too much in my storage, I delete the ones that aren't quite right and then have more room for the ones I worked on. I used to print them all out (my own paper and printer), but I cannot afford to do that anymore. I now keep them on the outside hard drive and upload the good ones to my gallery. Sometimes I go over the old ones I have not yet processed, and process them in new ways. You can practice your processing skills on the ones you haven't done anything with yet. It keeps you going. Once in awhile, I will sell a photo and then I print it out. My photos are mostly hung in my house, and my children's houses, a few in clients houses and places of work.

Hope this helps.

Nancy Marie Ricketts

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February 15, 2011


Don Ellsworth
  I use Adobe Lightroom and external drives to store images. You can put them in any order you want, I store mine by date, some people store by location or subject. You can go back and look, change, print them anytime.

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February 15, 2011

- Ken Smith

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Ken Smith
Ken Smith's Gallery
  I have one of those digital photo frames in the living room. I just leave it on continuously.

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February 15, 2011


Pat Harry
  I think, for the most part, I have my storage worked all for the digital images. My question was really more how do I make them viewable, rather than sitting hidden on a drive. Ken, I don't have a digital frame. That's a great idea! I wonder how many frames I'd need? :) I also wondered about one of's photo books. Although that could be expensive if I want to display all my "keepers".

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February 15, 2011


Janice M. Borodezt
  Recently I have put together my web site on better photo. It is a pro web site. All of my friends, coworkers, family, and others view the web site.

The next step for me to do is get it set up so I can sell from my web site.

I hope this help. Also you can have a guest book and people can comments on pictures. Not sure if you have a web site other than the better photo gallery.

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March 02, 2011 - Chris Budny

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Chris Budny
Chris Budny's Gallery
  Hi Pat... I've made a few books ( for myself (such as after a European vacation) usually sticking to the 20-page minimum order to keep the cost down. I've also taken my top favorites and keep a copy on my iPhone. Additionally, I use a Mac laptop for all my computer work, and the screen is 1440x900; so I've made 1440x900 JPGs of my favorite wide shots, and set the rotating desktop wallpaper to use those photos. Most recently, I'd upgraded to an HDTV, and I loaded up a USB memory stick with some of my favorites, formatted to 1920x1080, to display in a rotating slide show (kinda like having a 46" photoframe!)... I only have about 5 photos from my 5 years in photography, printed and hanging at home! But it is about to grow to 6, as I just printed a 20x30 version of my "This Way Up" image!

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March 04, 2011


Pat Harry
  You know, I don't have a single one of my photos printed and framed. Those that I have printed are 4x6, and in photo albums or scrapbooks. I've never printed anything bigger than 5x7.

I need to break out of my box! :)

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March 04, 2011


Amy Oakes
  I have a digital frame as well and I'm working on my own website. I have one that a friend did for me a while back but my images have improved so much since then...

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March 13, 2011

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