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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Wedding photos possibly ruined...photoshop?

I have a question about my wedding photos I just received. I am posting because I am seeking out as much advice as possible. I appreciate any insight anyone can provide.

I will provide some detail to the situation, as when I have posted on other blogs I have fonud that it helps since people have questions.

My original contract with my wedding photographer stated that I will get a proof CD (that's all - no specs written). The photographer told me that with this CD I can print out images up to 11x14 no problem.

When it was FINALLY time to get my pictures (he was really dragging his feet) I noticed over 100 pictures were missing in the proofs.

He said to compensate for this he will provide a high res CD (the e-mail actually states that he will provide raw images right from the camera with no editing).

He became very irrate multiple time that I have dealt with him. To give you an idea of his character he first of all said that all photographers in our county and stupid and wouldn't understand so I can't ask them any questions. I informed him that I called photographers in Ohio as well as PA, and he said that they just don't know and he used to be stupid like them.

The final step, after he screamed at my father because my father said "you promised to give us a CD with images that we can print even larger than 16x20 images from", was that I was told that I must sign paperwork saying I will not sue him and that I am perfectly happy with all the services or he will not give me anything. He was screaming and yelling at me so I said to everyone there (my family and the photographer's son) that I don't want to sign the paperwok and it's not true but that I will to get my wedding photos.

I mention this part because talking to him will do nothing. He refused to do anything else for us and told us that we better sign the papers and walk out with a smile.

THE MAIN QUESTION: The images on the CD are only about 500KB and they have resolution of 800x1200! The photographer told me that I need to educate myself as to what interpolation is and that I can make 16x20 prints from those images with proper interpolation.

Please advise me on this and tell me how large you think I can print my images. Will photoshop work? Do I need to buy Genuine Fractals?

Thank you so much for your time.

Toni (& Brendan) Eberenz

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June 03, 2008


Pete H

Your numbers don't work out.

800x1200=960,000 Pixels

Was this shot with a less than 1 MP camera? LOL

Next; Native print size is dependent on the PPI (Pixels per Inch), not just Horizontal & vertical pixel dimension.

I would however venture a guess that with a total file size of 500Kb, I seriously doubt you will be making very good 16x20's.


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June 03, 2008


Jerry Frazier
  How much did you pay for this service?

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June 03, 2008


Michele N. Yamrick
  This sounds too familiar.....

I ran into issues with young girls who'd had modeling photos done by a man in New York who pronounced Ohio and PA photographers, to be 'idiots' and 'he used to be stupid like them'.

I have to wonder if this is the same man.

Step one: call the Better Business Bureau. File a complaint on him. He's earned that for sure.

Step two: Contact the office of the Attorney General in your state for consumer complaints. You deserve to get all your money back. Send the Attorney general, copies of ALL communications.


I hate to say this, but it sounds like he flat out lost the images, and doesn't want to admit it. He's also got an ego bigger than his ability to produce good images, and likes to toss out techno-babble to make you think he really does know what he's talking about.

I wish you good luck in getting to the bottom of this...

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July 04, 2008

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