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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

quieter mirror flap sound?

This may be a silly question, but is there any way to make the sound of the mirror flap quieter? I have the Sony A100 and the sound is SO loud when I take a picture. It's very distracting in quiet settings. Is there anything I can do? Thanks!

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April 11, 2008


John H. Siskin
  Hi Tom,
I don’t know of anything you can do easily. If the camera was older you could change the foam, that might help, but not on a new camera. Alternatively you could see if a blimp was available for the camera. Blimps are used on movie sets with live sound to keep the camera quite. Thanks, John Siskin

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April 11, 2008


Pete H

Depending on the camera you are using; what you may be hearing is a (combination) of mirror slap AND curtain slide.

DSLR's DO have curtain shutters. The curtain is not always used depending on shutter speeds. Very High and very slow shutter speeds in DSLR's are often controlled by electronics, not the shutter. You will have to consult a tech manual to see the speeds your camera is using curtain shutter.

Try shooting at 1/4000th. See if it gets a little quieter. If it does seem quite a bit quiter, then it probably is both curtain AND mirror slap.

Other than adding foam at the mirror return position (which I would not attempt) that's about all I can come up with.

all the best,


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April 11, 2008

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