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Photography Question 

Mikki Cowles

monitor or software color problems

OK. Here's a fascinating problem, I have my camera (Oly E1 DSLR) set to capture aRGB. When I download my pictures into the Olympus software, the colors are georgeous. Skin tones are pleasing and I am happy. However, Oly Studio does not have many useful features (creative effects and filters, selection, layers, frames, etc.) So when I take the same image and open it up in Photoshop Elements to further edit, I get an image with gastly red skin tones and green hair! Just to make sure my eyes weren't playing games on me, I opened them up side by side to compare, and the difference is striking--now, what is the problem here? I've calibrated my monitor, but this seems to be a software issue, not a calibration issue. Any ideas and suggestions? How can I get effects from Elements without losing the color tones in Oly Studio for printing? Thanks in advance...

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August 14, 2004

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