BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 
- Jyan L. Crayton

Contact Jyan L. Crayton
Jyan L. Crayton's Gallery

Outside photos

I wanted to take some photo of a wedding I'm going to and was wondering if Using a Stofen snap on difusser would make my pictures look real soft and professional. It will be an outside wedding and I wanted to take pictures as a favor for the bride.

Also, Take inside pictures. When inside sometimes I use 200speed for enlargement purposes, and I guess depending on light.

Has anyone use the strobe sock that's advertised in popular photography magazine?

Also, would a sekonic 308s flash meter give a good reading outside? ( I don't want to over expose faces)

Can you get redeye even with a big flash on camera?


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May 18, 2006


Mark Feldstein
  Well, for openers, if the bride has another photographer who's going to be working the event, you should talk to the bride and photographer first so as to not to get in their way or step on their toes, so-to-speak.

Yes, a diffuser like the stofen, among others, will soften your lighting. The professional results are up to you and in the eye(s) of your viewers. 200 ISO film speed is fine for indoors with a flash, although you can probably do just as well with 160 speed color negative film exposed at ISO 100. This slight overexposure will give your work giving better color saturation.

Never used the strobe sock. I prefer "Old Atheletes Foot" diffusers available from Sports Illustrated.

I use a Sekonic L328 or Minolta AF III flash meters. Your 308 should work just fine if it's set properly and properly calibrated (accurate to begin with).

Yes, you can get redeye with any flash, regardless of it's size, so long as it's directed towards the retina of the subject. That's why you should use a flash bracket, to raise the flash above the subject's eye level. The red eye is caused by illuminating the blood vessels in the back of the subject's eyes.

Get the picture?


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May 18, 2006

- Jyan L. Crayton

Contact Jyan L. Crayton
Jyan L. Crayton's Gallery
  Thanks for the advice. The wedding will start @ 7pm so maybe 200 sp may be o.k. , but if the sun is still out just a little I'll use a roll of 100 for starters.

Again, thanks for the advice. I'm doing this to get some experience with shooting weddings and knowing my lighting, metering and other techniques that will help in the future. Have to start somewhere.

A lot of people ask me too shoot small weddings because I'm a photographer @ a hospital, but I've just been too nervous too shoot thinking I'll mess up something since I still shoot film and not digital. Hopefully that will one bay change.

Again, Thanks. I love this site......

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May 18, 2006


Mark Feldstein
  Hey Jyan: Plenty of digital photographers "mess up" and have been seen to be pleading around here on Monday morning something like: "Help !!! I can't find the digital images on the disk I used yesterday. where did they go?>> Funny, I almost never, ever hear anyone say that about film. Slippery little things, those pixels. I guess. ;>)

Remember, ask for permission from any photographer(s) hired to do the job. That way you won't end up a patient in your own hospital. ;>)


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May 19, 2006

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