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Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

film cameras

Doesn't anyone shoot with film anymore?

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April 02, 2006


BetterPhoto Member
Everything in my gallery was shot on Fuji film.

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April 02, 2006


Brendan Knell
  There are a ton of people here who still shoots film. I personally don't(I would really like to try Medium Format though), but I know a lot of people who do.

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April 02, 2006


Mark Feldstein
  Hey Rob !! Before you get too far into it with the majority of folks here who, I think, shoot digital, check out the film shooters home on the net. It's the ANALOG PHOTOGRAPHERS USERS GROUP. No one even mentions the "d" word over there. It's a very knowlegeable, friendly, informative group of folks who, like me, do photography the old fashioned way...with light on film. ;>)


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April 02, 2006


Kendall L. Noland
  Many people still use film, myself included. I enjoy the ability to work in a darkroom and watching the process it goes through to get the final print. To me that is photography.

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April 02, 2006


Samuel Smith
  you do?yeah we're here.and accepted?
just don't give out the password!

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April 02, 2006


Bob Cammarata
  Film photography is more than a passion,'s an addiction.
(I tell folks I'm hooked on Provia.)

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April 02, 2006


  I am shooting Ilford Delta 100 at the moment, for a Tafe Assignment.

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April 02, 2006


Ujjwal Mukherjee
  for me photography is a passion and at times obsession. for years now I have kept the temptation to go the digital way at bay , I may be missing out from some mind blowing pictures and the top up which the software can add to it ...but then I like to get the credit of my photo's alone….

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April 02, 2006


Craig m. Zacarelli
  i do both..well I mainly shoot digital but am trying film to. Photography is alive and kicking and there are two formats.. Digital and Film so I figure, Might at well learn both.. no "close mindedness here.. lol (just ribbing you old film dogs... no harm ment) Seriously. Ujjwal, you said you like to take credit for your photos alone... I dont get it.. I take full credit for mine too, I just develope them differently, thats all, it the same basic principal, shoot the shot, go home, pop the card(film) into the computer(dark room) import the shots into photoshop (chemicals) Develop then save. Its funny, The film goes to the lab and comes back done for its all good.

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April 03, 2006


Kerry L. Walker
  What's digital?

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April 03, 2006


Craig m. Zacarelli
  Well Kerry, Digital Photography is a way to catch an Image via .... hey hold on a sec, you know what it is!!!

I guess you can say its a more expensive way to have an expensive hobby... or is it?

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April 03, 2006


Kristin Hall
  I've tried digital three times with five different cameras. Didn't like it as much. I love film!!

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April 03, 2006

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  "...but then I like to get the credit of my photo's alone…."

Didn't realize people manufactered their own film along with developing and printing. Must be in his basement.

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April 03, 2006

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery

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April 03, 2006


BetterPhoto Member
  Hey Craig;

You gotta remember, Kerry's idea of digital is an abacus.

Have fun and keep shooting,
Mark H.

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April 03, 2006


Steve Fels
  I would love to go back to using my old Nikon 801. My problem (well one of them anyway) is knowing how to get the finished product onto the computer with a high enough resolution. I heard of 35mm scanners but am not sure how good they are.

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April 03, 2006


Brendan Knell
  "You gotta remember, Kerry's idea of digital is an abacus."

Yes, and analog is using his fingers!

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April 03, 2006


Craig m. Zacarelli
  I thought he was talking about his watch! The old LED digitals! Speaking of time... anyone still use the old style digital alarm clocks with the numbers on little cards that flipped?


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April 03, 2006


Tom R. Walker
  Gregory, there are people over at APUG that do make their own LF film sheets

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April 03, 2006


  I still use film for now anyway. I do have most of my pictures scanned and copied to a CD at the time of processing for better quality downloads.

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April 03, 2006


BetterPhoto Member
  Kerry doesn't know what led means. His watch has a circle with a slanted plate coming out of the center.

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April 03, 2006


Kerry L. Walker
  Isn't led that stuff that protects you from x-rays?

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April 04, 2006


Kerry L. Walker
  Yo0u guys are such idiots that I guess I need to give you an eduation.

"You gotta remember, Kerry's idea of digital is an abacus."

Of course an abacus is digital. You have to manipulate those little colored balls on that wire with your digits!

"Yes, and analog is using his fingers!"

Wrong. Analog is building materials. As an old Boy Scout, I can build a bridge with a rope analog!

"I thought he was talking about his watch! The old LED digitals! Speaking of time... anyone still use the old style digital alarm clocks with the numbers on little cards that flipped?"

Nope, mine still has hands. I don't use one of those cheap mass-produced watches. Mine was custom made by Fred Flintstone.

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April 04, 2006


Sharon Day
  I use film occasionally. There are a couple of things I can not do with my digital that I can do with film (special effects for one).

IF we're only talking 35mm film ONLY (not MF), to my eyes digital is nicer than film when enlarged to 8x10". I am comparing 100 speed negative film to 200 ISO digital here. The digital prints I had made a few months ago had better color, saturation, detail, sharpness and less noise (or grain) than my enlargements from film years ago.

I do prefer digital but the only reason I don't use film more is because I'm too old now to handle the weight of two cameras at a time. I refuse to leave my digital at home while shooting film :D!

I've always wanted to try MF and film, but I'd have to be rich enough to afford the camera and a porter for the equipment LOL.

BTW, I take full credit for all my photos too! Even thought most are edited in PS I still had to hold the camera in front of my face prior to releasing the shutter :o)!

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April 04, 2006


Craig m. Zacarelli
  Yes Sharon, and you had to download and edit yourself.. and print. To me, there is not much difference between what a photographer who uses film and one who shoots digital does to achieve the final print.. I mean, work wise..

Lol at you kerry... I was laughing my head off.. a rope analog... your right!

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April 04, 2006


BetterPhoto Member
  Hey Kerry;

You can make a boat using an ax analog. Anarock for an anchor. BTW, how's Fred doing anyway.

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April 10, 2006


Kerry L. Walker
  Sorry to say but Fred is no longer with us, and he was only a couple of years older than me!

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April 10, 2006


Christopher A. Walrath
  VISIT and then ask that question again. Film is alive and well and always will be. GIVE IN TO THE WET SIDE.

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April 25, 2006


BetterPhoto Member
  Hey Kerry;

Sorry to hear about Fred. I know you two were close.

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April 27, 2006


Craig m. Zacarelli
  Is that why you've been hanging around Willma latley?

shame, shame!

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April 28, 2006


Kerry L. Walker
  Of course. I really dig younger women. She's at least a year younger than me!

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April 28, 2006


Craig m. Zacarelli
  Get rid of that darn Dino and your in like flynn!

What about that Betty Rubble, she's quite the looker too!

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April 28, 2006


Kerry L. Walker
  Shhh! Barney's already getting suspicious.

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April 28, 2006


BetterPhoto Member
  I'll bet you got both Betty and Wilma in the same shot, right? Musta been fun.

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April 28, 2006


BetterPhoto Member
  Okay,okay. We should keep this at a family level. And for all involved, this should not be a war. We all enjoy the art in one form or the other. We each have skills with our respective cameras. It's not a question of which camera is better, it's a question of which camera we are better with. I doubt film will ever dissappear the same as my doubt that digital will ever dissappear.
both have their place in the art.

Have fun and keep shooting,
Mark H.

BTW, I'm done preaching, so start jumping on me.

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April 29, 2006


Samuel Smith
  hey uh, if you want to shoot digital,fine, but why cut into a film thread?
yeah i'm big boy on the block and I can compare my pics at 200 to film at 100 with you must be soo good.
all pics in my gallery are at 400 iso.
my editing is done at hour.
i don't scan my negatives I scan the photos I get for the uploads.resolution?get a grip.grain will increase with higher speed film?might want to learn what your camera and which film speed you use will do to your pics with the settings you use.seems like the art of learning has went by the wayside.shame.
yeah, i'll get a digital camera when I realize I am so lazy I will take ten photos and save one in photoshop.
I can't control how my film is developed.
i have used digital settings on some photos and come up with crap.done folks.someone is a fibber.well I just tweaked this?great.
now if you think I didn't win in the contest? I haven't entered.
ya know if I pissed someone off,send me some hate mail.
I love a good laugh.
personally I miss the good doctor,who I think kinda kept us real.
oh that I and many still do will give a few years of their life to defend our lives,now ways heavy in my heart,and we are here?
i hope many of you are not having chicken tonight.
i suppose I am a little eccentric, or senile.ahhhhh.
shoot what you want, but don't slide that thing through the garden of photoshop and try and pass it off as a true settings photo.
I mentioned no names in my story of my beliefs.
have a very good life.

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April 29, 2006


Brendan Knell
  "personally I miss the good doctor,who I think kinda kept us real."

I agree. I know he really annoyed somepeople, but I thought it was hilarious and fun to try and track him down.

"i suppose I am a little eccentric, or senile.ahhhhh."

sam, at heart, we all are!

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April 29, 2006


BetterPhoto Member
  Are you mad at me,Sam???

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April 29, 2006


Samuel Smith
  hey brendan,i guess I have becomed fatigued.
ya know .
i hope you weren't the doctor?
i'm crying rightn now.oh boy.
by the way, I never learned typing sooo my 2 fingers are pretty busy most of the time.
hope you caught the n?
ok .
how untrue to some of the new members who view photos taken by a certain camera, buy that camera and wonder why their cameras don't take that kinda pictures?
so we get stuck with my pics are better than yours?
i wasn't lashing out.i just had something to say.
so you are saying I was a little harsh?

to those of you if I offened-sorry.

to the future brendan,i am pretty sure I offend many.can I send you all the emails?
just having fun.
can't we just be real with our photos?
not really.

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April 29, 2006


Samuel Smith
  no mark.i am sorry I gave that impression.but guilty as I am that was the goal.well mark not personaly, yet a guilt trip.

i am mad at no one.

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April 29, 2006


Justin G.
  "how untrue to some of the new members who view photos taken by a certain camera, buy that camera and wonder why their cameras don't take that kinda pictures?

How true.

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April 30, 2006


Brendan Knell
  "to the future brendan,i am pretty sure I offend many.can I send you all the emails?
just having fun."

Go ahead! I'd love to see what people are offended by, because generally I agree with most of what you say.

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April 30, 2006


Samuel Smith
  i've been working on a report for our annual meeting of our local youth center and it may be spilling over in my responses.somehow after over 13 or so years I get voted in as vice it comes to dealing with local politics,cliques of certain people out for their own gain,the school system and yet having to confront people with sincere honesty and still try not to irritate people on a regular basis.all this and people still keep forgetting what about the betterment of the kids?i dislike compromise and bending the rules.i agree rules are made to be broken,as long as everyone has a chance to break them.oh yeah,gossip and drama?holey moley.
oh I had a ten year old girl walk up to me last year while I was putting gas in my truck and said hey iknow you,people talk about you behind your back.i told her I knew that,she said no I mean bad things.i said well sure you'll have that.but doesn't it make you mad? I laughed and told her no,that's just people kinda like your classmates when they call you names.she made my day and said ,well I don't think your like what they say.
I would have liked to have been a fly on the wall when she got back in her parents
kids are so honest,i just hope someday I will figure out when that changes in us.
sam I am.

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April 30, 2006

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  "but don't slide that thing through the garden of photoshop and try and pass it off as a true settings photo."

That really is crap wrapped up in elitist crap wrapping paper. Everybody who feels a need to make vast distinctions about who is this and what they do that is unlike us of such purity.
The same people talk about lattitude of film, bracketing exposure. Fuji provia and sensia. One is more saturated. One is better for natural skin tones. Kodak makes 2 kinds of porta, one for natural look, one for more staturation.
It's the same thing. You're not doing something truer than anybody else.

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April 30, 2006


Raquel S.
  I love shooting with film! There's just something about it that get's me all passionate. The simplicity of film, my FM2 manual camera, and a tripod just makes me happy to no end. I also shoot with digital, but I don't get the same enjoyment out of it as I do with film. (Plus I've had my heaps of frustrations with digital, sorry to say.)

I'm very thankful to have found out about APUG (here on Betterphoto) as it becomes a refuge from the digital world.

I still love Betterphoto, though. The courses here are phenomenal.

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April 30, 2006


Brendan Knell
  Greg, I'm not sure who said it or where, as I don't want to reread the entire thread. But how I took that is they're saying not to take a photo, PS it to death, then say that's how it was straight out of the camera.

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April 30, 2006


Samuel Smith
  i will intentionally p at least a third of the people(parents)off on purpose to give them a reality check.i didn't want the job or try for it.
ahh brendan?the french are a passionate lot,i suppose you didn't follow the protests in france over the new law that was passed on employment?
the state I live in has the same reason for dismissal,period.
for or against is I think a right.
a kinda check,if your listening,to step back and see if your point of view is even close to the do I like gregory's point of view?yes.i think you took it wrong,or.
so do I have the right to step on some toes?close call.
more of a challenge.
take care,sam

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April 30, 2006

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  font color="violet">Crap wrapped up in crap wrapping paper.

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May 01, 2006


Christopher A. Vedros
  Since I've disagreed with Gregory on more than one occasion, I feel just as compelled to speak up when I DO agree with him. This is a case where I DO agree.

The entire argument of "Film is better than digital because it's TRUE photography" or "A digital image that's been worked in PhotoShop shouldn't be passed off as a real photo" is complete CRAP.

It's a completely different argument if you want to say that "film has more exposure latitude than digital" or "film has more resolving power than digital". Those are things that can be scientifically measured (and the results will change as technology improves).

But the end goal in Photography is the final image. What steps were taken to produce it are immaterial and should have no impact on the aesthetic value of the image. In other words, if you think an image looks great, it shouldn't matter what camera it was shot with, whether or not it was dodged & burned in a wet darkroom, or manipulated on a computer, or just processed and printed at CVS. If you like an image, you like it. Period.

This reminds me of the scene in "Raiders of the Lost Ark", where a bad guy comes at Indy with big sword, swinging and twirling it with much skill. So Indy pulls out his pistol and shoots him. Did anyone whine that Indy cheated by using a pistol in a swordfight? I say the bad guy was silly for bringing a sword to a gunfight. The end result is the same - dead bad guy.

Arguing that using digital manipulation is somehow "cheating" or "not true photography" is simply ignoring the tools of the trade that are currently available.

It would be no different to say that using 35mm film is cheating because you've got that handy little cartridge of film - TRUE photography should only be done with glass plates!

Now before film users start defending film, I'll say this - I am NOT talking about digital being BETTER or WORSE than film in any way - I am simply saying that these are ALL tools available to the photographer who wants to make an image. I am only shooting down the idea that some tools should not be used because they are somehow not worthy of being called "true photography".

-- end of rant --


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May 01, 2006


Bob Cammarata
I agree with most of your assessment of this on-going debate. How one chooses to capture and display his or her vision or concept is up to each individual.
How one person might envision and attempt to record what they have perceived may not be the same as another using differing methods but it's the final presentation and it's impact upon the viewer which is most important.

With that being said,...can Indiana Jones claim to be an expert swordsman...or just a bit more practical and modern in the art of killing bad guys?

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May 01, 2006


Samuel Smith
  not a rant at all.and I guess not really a swordsman.
i love the input.
i never said anyone was cheating.see that's the thing about get to fill in the blanks?
I regret I can help only so much with my knowledge.emails.
i never said film was better than digital.
i was stating that it was a diservice to our new members that their photos would not even compare to some expertise shown here on bp.
they bought the camera?whaaaz up?
when they visit galleries all tweaking is duly noted right?"naaaa.
so .
new members need knowledge,and we can support them,yes?
i think I is gone.
as a mentor,that person becomes better than you.
do I have it wrong?

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May 01, 2006


BetterPhoto Member
  Hey Sam;

We all started at the bottom. We all wasted countless rolls of film to get where we are. I'm at the bottom again.

We don't need to fight over who has the better format, or camera, or who knows more. We're here to help the Beginners. We need to support them.

To be a mentor, you first need to be understanding. Not find fault, but help correct what caused fault.

Whether film or digital or film, all cameras serve the same purpose. That purpose is to capture time. To enhance the moment digitally is a skill I'm just now learning. To enhance it in a darkroom is next to impossible.

Sure, I think digitally enhanced photographs should be marked as such, but I don't think it's fair to segregate photographers by type of camera.

End of sermon.

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May 01, 2006

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Gregory LaGrange
Gregory LaGrange's Gallery
  Who says the picture was tweaked?
Nobody who quantifies what group does something that the other doesn't, ever makes note that a film is made to come out with higher saturation than what you took a picture of actually had. Or that a digital picture is best regarding color and noise when it's taken at an accurate exposure, and that when you see a good picture from digital, most likely it was taken at an accurate exposure. Not to mention, that's how most who have any kind of desire to take good pictures have that approach anyway.
Just pay attention to people who say things like wanting credit for their pictures, or I don't have to depend on photoshop. These same people will flip and highly recommend a film that increases color saturation or contrast. They'll lawd the benefits of wide exposure lattitude lets you be off by 4 stops. And even with exposure lattitude, be sure to bracket. All that is, is casting a big enough net, hoping something will be there.
Machine prints automatically color balance and analyze density. It's never considered tweaking. And people feel very comfortable making claims as if they can take credit for everything.

Crap wrapped up in crap wrapping paper.

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May 01, 2006


Brendan Knell
  Greg is that what you ment by your first "crap wrapped up in crap wrapping paper" post? If it is, I completley agree. It's about the end result, not how you got there.

I also agree that each film and digital has their own pros and cons. I personally use digital, but one day, I would love to try MF or LF, and then develop it myself. I think it would be awesome. It's just not plausible right now.

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May 01, 2006

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