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Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Tammy Aurand

How to shoot Studio Portrait?

I am taking a class and have a project to shoot a Studio Portrait.Seeing how I don't really have the adequate place to do this and the only equipment I will be using is my Minolta Max 5 and artificial lighting available .I am open to any suggestions or opinions as to how I can do this and it come out half way decent.I have two lens,one is a wide angle 28-80 and the other is a 75-300.I had planned on using the 75-300 for this project.Also what would be the best film to use ,I like Kodak Professional 400,but would I need a slower film to do the project? What would be appropriate to use as my backdrop?I am limited on a place to set up to do this project but hopefully there would be ways around this to achieve the look I am hoping for .Any help is welcomed . Thanks

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February 16, 2006


Maverick Creatives
  Ok Tammy, the answer to this rather involved question could continue forever. I'll give you one idea, window light. I would not use artificial lighting for a Portrait Shot unless using a strobe setup.
So,,,first tip,,,Window Light, Window Light, Window Light.


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February 16, 2006


Tammy Aurand
  Gary, thanks for the advice. I will give this a try.Would the window lighting provide adequate light on subject? Would I need to use a flash? Is there any need for reflectors to throw lighting back onto subject?

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February 16, 2006

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