BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Angela Hyyppa

Argus Lumar 75mm Camera

I was wondering where I would buy 620 film for my "new" purchase, and where would I take this film to be developed?

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January 21, 2006


Jon Close
  620 film is the same as 120. Just different sized spools. You can respool 120 onto your 620 spools (in total darkness of course), or search for suppliers that do this.

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January 21, 2006


George Anderson
  Sounds like fun! I recently visited Japan and was amused to find that the tech-heavy Japanese are ho-hum about digital cameras, but are very enthused about classic film gear. Saw two young gals taking a lunch break with a Autocord TLR and a Canon rangefinder perched on the table! My old rollfilm cameras started many a discussion.

How to respool 120 film:

Where to buy respooled 620 film:

Also, in B&W films, the 120 size JandC Pro 100 is reputed to fit 620 cameras; since the film spool flange is thinner than average.

Any lab that processes 120 film can develop yours. Be sure to ask for the 620 spools back.

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January 21, 2006


Angela Hyyppa
  Thank you for the information. Now wish me luck! :o)

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January 29, 2006

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