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Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Lori M. Jaramillo

Slide Duplicates

I just had a bunch of dupes made today and when I went to view them in my projector to make sure they were okay, they all seemed a little out of focus, so I compared them to the originals, and they are all out of focus. Why would this be? I've gone to this lab for years but never viewed my dupes before I sent them out, Big mistake on my part. Is this normal?

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January 20, 2006


Mark Feldstein
  Nope. It's nor normal, Lori. This could be caused by a number of things, including the technique used by the lab in their duplication process or equipment.

Go back to the lab, tell them what you've found, have them take a look, and assuming it's not caused by the thickness of the slide mount, let them correct the problem, most likely by reduplicating them.

Before you do, take one of the dupes out of the mount and lay it flat on the light box, then look at it with a 6 or 8x loupe. Still soft? Then take them all back to the lab. If it's sharp, then it's likely a slide mount-thickness problem. Changing the projector focus should solve that one.
Take it light.

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January 21, 2006

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