BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Don Curry

enlargements from slides

Can you recommend a lab that uses an optical enlarger? It defeats the purpose of using film if I send my slides to a lab that reproduces them digitally. Do you see this as a problem as I do or does it really not make a difference?

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December 12, 2005


doug Nelson
  The Cibachrome process is widely accepted as a method of enlarging images on slides. It is not cheap, but the results can be quite good. Get an issue of Shutterbug and inquire at the web addresses shown in the labs listing in the back.
Try to avoid the cheaper internegative process, where they take a picture of the slide on negative film and then make a print.

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December 13, 2005


Steve Tiemann
  I agree with Doug about Cibachrome, you can get spectactular results with a good lab,(and good slide) but ouch, the price. I have never had anything from my slides(Fujichrome 100 or Velvia) done up larger than 12 X 18, but digital results were excellent, better than many of the previous contrasty Ciba prints. I look forward to printing at home in the future, but until I get my scanner set up and purchase a good printer, digital prints on good paper are the way to go for quality/price for me, and I'm fairly picky. And, don't be afraid to have a digital b&w print done from one of your slides. I was blown away when my local lab suggested this for some of my old Yosemite slides. (Fuji Archival Paper)

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December 13, 2005

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