BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Traditional Film Photography

Photography Question 

Stacey M. Rodenas

Photo Ideas

A friend has asked me to take pictures of his kids in his police shirt, what would be the ideal place to take the picture with what background and any props. the shirt will be oversized what do I do with that??

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August 30, 2005


Nicole Kessel
  Hi Stacey,

How about having one sit in a toy car or on a bike and have the other with the shirt on writing him/her a ticket...


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August 30, 2005

- Bob Cournoyer

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Bob Cournoyer
Bob Cournoyer's Gallery
  Along the same track...get a couple of dads police pals in uniform in a lineup with the kid/s mixed in with them? Use the police car, again if possible, as a backdrop with someone standing infront of the logo, so the agency name is covered, but the lightbar,etc. is still visible? And don't forget the police hat...:-)

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August 30, 2005


Autumn Hernandez
  Sit one of the kids in a doughnut shop with a box of doughnuts and a newspaper with his feet up on the table relaxing. lol

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August 31, 2005

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