BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: Further Photography Resources

Photography Question 

Diana Child

The BP Wish List

Okay, we all seem to have aspects of BP we would like to see removed, changed, or added. I've put this in as a place to do just that. This is NOT a thread for complaints, whining or griping. It's a place to list those things we would like to see different. If you have an idea, post it. If you see that an idea is already posted and you agree or see a way to make it work, post that too.

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July 06, 2008


Diana Child
  1) Deluxe/Pro sites should show large thumbnails with awards/badges instead of having to open a picture to see the badges.

2)Change the prize structure to use BP gift certificates. This way people can use them toward whatever they want (classes, books, galleries) and the $$value stays completely with BP. (No mailing unwanted packs)

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July 06, 2008


Jessica Jenney
  Great thread, Diana! First of all I would like there to be a bulletin board where daily announcements can be posted instead of all the speculating going on in these forums! I'd also like to notified in advance if changes are going to be made.

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July 06, 2008


Diana Child
  Excellent. Also, how about an email notification of major changes that may have finacial impact on the members at least 15 days prior to the change.

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July 06, 2008


Jean E. Hildebrant
  I am in complete agreement with all of the above!!! I think this is a great idea for a thread, Diana!

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July 06, 2008


Kay Beausoleil
  Great idea, Diana! My contributions:

1) Yes! to a BP announcements page, updated regularly.

2) NEXT and PREVIOUS buttons on the Deluxe site images.

3) No charge for mailing First Prizes to winners outside the U.S. (or give us a gift certificate instead).

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July 06, 2008


Kay Beausoleil
  ... 4) Oh yes, and a 1,000 image count even if I stay with my Classic Basic gallery.

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July 06, 2008


Diana Child
  5) Payment options available at all gallery levels.

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July 06, 2008


Sharon Day
  I would like to see the small thumbnails on the contest pages again. It's way too time consuming to browse the daily entries with the larger thumbnails. If there's any one thing I could see changed it would be that. I think I'd look at entries again.

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July 06, 2008

- Laura E. Swan

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Laura E. Swan
Laura E. Swan's Gallery
  Great Thread.

1) I would like to see Free Gallery Members being able to enter at least one photo per week into the contest since I don't really think they were the problem.

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July 06, 2008


Diana Child
  How about giving those who have won extensions on their galleries the option of donating one of those extension to another BP Member?

Also, how about multiple membership discounts for families. Or discounts to seniors and children with proof of age.

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July 06, 2008


Diana Child
  Another idea, how about a mini-course on point-and-shoot photography. Not everyone has the mutliple lens cameras.

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July 06, 2008

- Laura E. Swan

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Laura E. Swan
Laura E. Swan's Gallery
  All of these are very good suggestions! Will BP be reading this?

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July 06, 2008


Patricia A. Stalter
  Yes, all of these are great suggestions. BP is very good about listening and I'm sure they will take notice. Pat

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July 06, 2008


Diana Child
  I hope they will notice and appreciate it. I thought it was a more constructive use of time and energy than just complaining. At the very best, someone from BP will read and implement some of the suggestions. At the very worst, we will at least get some ideas out for them to consider.

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July 06, 2008


Nancy (Peaches) Harker

I need another option besides just paying by credit card, Makes it tough to renew with that as the only option, for me anyway.
I am sure not eveyone has a credit card, LOL Maybe I AM the only one without one)
If I can't pay for it, I dont want it LOL!

I want to keep my gallery look the way it is, give us the option to choose the style we want

I have seen one new gallery so far, and I don's see a way to get around the sight from their gallery page.

I would like to see or have a option to if you don't want your photos shown on the slide show, they can be set up like the basic on the first page, at least 30 photos showing WITH THE BADGES under them.
I feel we work to hard to try and win those badges and I want to see mine and other member's wins.

MORE FORWARNING on changes, I TOTALLY AGREE with a announcement board

I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to see a quick respond to comments box at the end of each thread, instead of having to go through three pages to make a comment.
WAY to time comsuming, I have seen them on other sights and it is GREAT!!!

How about a tally bord with the favotie photo's so we can see who's photo's are favorited.

As far as the clubs go, I wish we could have a chat box for the clubs, there is really no way to corispond unless you you keep checking for post,
Be nice to have a email sent if someone responds to a thread discussion in the clubs also, at least you know when someone has responded.

O, thats some of mine off the top of my head.

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July 06, 2008


Colleen Farrell
  "1) Yes! to a BP announcements page, updated regularly."


Also, how about a free Basic Gallery for yourself if you get, say, 2 friends to buy a Basic Gallery?

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July 06, 2008

- Songbird Cline

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Songbird Cline
Songbird Cline's Gallery
  What I sent to BP for the 4th time!

Dear Peter,

Regarding your
"If you would like to be notified when someone responds to this thread, check this box. Option. "

The discussion thread still doesnt work .

I have made sure that the box is checked and I STILL dont get the notifiction.
This is the 4th time I've contacted you about the fact that I am no longer receiving emails when a BP member comments on a photo. I have asked several other BP members, and they all are having the same problem. Many of us are no longer getting feedback to our photo comments. There are several discussion comments about photos, but your site no longer sends an email letting us know another member has commented. This change happened about 2 weeks ago. Please check your system and see if the problem can be resolved. I dislike missing and responding to discussion comments on my photos. Thanks you.

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July 06, 2008

- Songbird Cline

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Songbird Cline
Songbird Cline's Gallery
  Anyone else having the about problem? Im thinking of asking for my annual fee back and droping out of BP. They wont fix the problem and now they wont even answer my requests.

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July 06, 2008


Diana Child
  I can at least offer a suggestion to you on the credit card issue. If you purchase a VISA gift card, you can use that to make your payments. Most CVS, Walgreens, and Wal-Marts have these types of cards available. They work just like a debit card, only you aren't giving any permanent account information over the internet. That's what I used when I first got a premium gallery.

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July 06, 2008


Nancy (Peaches) Harker
  Thanks Diana, I will check it out!

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July 06, 2008


Diana Child
  I haven't had that problem Songbird. Make sure you check your spam or junk mail box too... It's wierd, but every other response I get from them ends up in spam. I've been getting feedback on all my photos and discussions. It would be nice to at least get an automated "We are looking into your problem, here is your confirmation number" response though. I know that for a while I wasn't getting the guest book page on my pro site to work and it took a while to work out the kinks. Certain areas of BP's customer service seems to work great. Other areas might need a little improvement.

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July 06, 2008

- Laura E. Swan

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Laura E. Swan
Laura E. Swan's Gallery
  I have this problem songbird on about 6-10 of my over all images. <--- (Meaning that I have shots in BP clubs that aren't in may gallery).

I do check my spam area since someone has suggested this to me once...but nothing's the same ones over and over I think that somehow they just aren't connected up along the route technically?

I am enjoying all the suggestions here.

I LOVE the idea of SIGN TWO FRIENDS UP and get a free BASIC GALLERY :) What a great idea! We'd be doing BP a favor and they would be doing US one too! COOL!

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July 06, 2008


Erika Haight
  Although I have not converted to the new gallery style... I would like to .. however, I dont understand where you can leave a comment... how you can review favorites, and how to keep track of your images/ep's.. I am completely lost and dont want to change until I understand how this thing works!! LOL

Diana... the penguins have dropped some confusion pills into my coffee!! HELP!!

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July 06, 2008


Diana Child
  Add to the list... Full instructions of how the new set-up works and a complete list of all the changes made (so we aren't searching everywhere to see what's diffferent)

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July 06, 2008


Diana Child
  Another point to add...

Make sure everything is tested for both Internet Explorer AND Firefox.

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July 06, 2008


Dianna Hauf
  As I am not a 'vocal' kind of person and prefer to stay 'behind the scenes' BUT I'm impressed at these suggestions and ideas and whole-heartedly agree! Count me in! I am sure BP wants improvements AND 'happy campers' as well!

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July 06, 2008


Jessica Jenney
  Erika, You can't comment yet in the new gallery. BP probably disabled it until they get the bugs worked out. The EP's finalist and winners don't show under the thumbnails, only the enlarged images. Everone will ahave a different layout and setup so it will be tricky to navigate. It's not uniform like the classic galleries.

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July 06, 2008


Colleen Farrell
  Also, a link on the new Basic gallery to "add this photographer to your favorites." As it is, it only has an option to add a photo to your favorites, unless I missed something! :)

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July 06, 2008


Erika Haight
  Thank you Jessica and Colleen! :0)

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July 06, 2008


Jessica Jenney
  Sharon! Remember the good old days of small thumbnails in the contest entries!! We could see a days worth of entires on one page per category! So much better!

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July 06, 2008


BetterPhoto Member
  would there be any way to get questions placed into catagories so a person asking gets directed to a group of links with basically the same question? This way, a popular question, such as "What's the best camera?" can be met with quick answers.

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July 06, 2008


Daniella Puente
  Excellent idea Diana!

1.Comment link on new version
2.Favorites link on new version
3.Second place winners STAY!!!
4.Put some order in the gallery to know the latest entry.

I agree that BP could have kept the same layout in BASIC but with background color changes and font changes and 1,000 photos.
With The New Basic you can see few photos per page. The older version for me is much better!

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July 06, 2008


Martha N. Church
  Great thread, Diana, thank you. A couple of comments on the new galleries.

1) When you create albums, they are all bunched up on the left side of your gallery. I think they would look better spread out equally across the gallery.

2) When enlarging a photograph in your album, a white frame initially appears around the photo and then disappears. I personally like the frames and hope this is just a glitch.

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July 06, 2008


Diana Child
  If you click on Community, then Forum, you will see that Questions are already broken down into categories. Perhaps it could be broken down further. Just as an FYI, there is an additional resource for choosing a camera under resources, look for comparisons, best camera (a calculator that helps pick the best camera for you) and popular cams.

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July 06, 2008


Diana Child
  I think I'd also like to see a weekly or monthly survey where the results are shared with everyone either as they are tallied or at the end of the survey period. That way, we all can share our opinions on things quickly, and BP would have a regular reading on public opinion. It would also let some of us "rabble-rousers" know if we are in the majority or minority. It could be that we are just one or two squeaky wheels on a cart that is moving just fine.

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July 06, 2008


Aimee C. Eisaman
  Totally agree with everything in this thread! I THINK I understand why BP has implimented these changes, but not sure why they can't share that with us and let us all know what is happening! The bulletin board for BP to let us know about what is going on is a great idea! And I too am not a huge fan of the new basic galleries. Takes way too much time to go thru the photos. I'm very busy with 3 clubs of my own and apart of 2 more. I visit lot of galleries and comment on soooo many photos. This would slow me down considerably and I wouldn't be able to be as involved as I have been at BP! Before the changes I was all ready to pay to renew my gallery next I'm on a wait and see basis!

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July 06, 2008


Diane Dupuis
  Love most of the suggestions here. Sorry to disagree about having free gallery members be able to enter the contest at least once in a while. I'm afraid they're not going to go back on that one and honestly after having spent alot on courses here - I don't mind so much having the ability to do something that free gallery members can't...
How about putting the comment button on photo discussion threads up at the top on the side instead of us having to scroll all the way to the bottom to do it? I know this is an oldie but goodie but while we're asking!?
I haven't switched to the new gallery (haven't physically been able to yet - kept getting errors - and after reading everyone's problems so far am not really inclined). But I do want to be able to upload more than 300 pics while in the classic version. I sure hope this will be possible!
Would love an answer re: the 2nd place prizes... If there are no more prizes - which seems evident from the contest page - then will there be special buttons for them - or will it just go from 1st to finalist?? I don't know of too many places where they have 111 2nd place winners though?!?
More finalists would be nice. The number kept decreasing - even though the number of entries kept increasing. Honestly - it costs BP NOTHING to give out finalist buttons - but it keeps the people happy.
That's it for now!
Thanks for starting this thread!

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July 07, 2008

- Ken Smith

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Ken Smith
Ken Smith's Gallery
  Diane, they don't have prizes for finalists either, yet we get the buttons. I bet BP will continue to hand out buttons for 2nd place too...I don't see a downside for NOT doing it..they have to narrow down the field to find 1st place anyway. Even in the cash contest, they handed out buttons for honorable mention, although there was no mention of H-M as a prize. So, I think we'll continue to see the 2nd place buttons...

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July 07, 2008


Graham Robards
  Well then Laura, nobody is too worried about free gallery members not being included in the entries even if you suggest only once a week.

We were all beginners once, where has the reinforcement gone? When I first
started here there were no EP's, such a shame the incentive to do better has been taken away from you!

My old premium gallery's submit button is broken and cannot be fixed, I'd give it to you except it doesn't work HA.

It's a shame that free galleries cannot have a contest of their own, oh well says a voice lost in the wilderness......


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July 07, 2008

- Nikki McDonald

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Nikki McDonald
Nikki McDonald's Gallery
  Well, I found this thread through pasting the url, Diana, but I had spent quite a bit of time looking for it in the Forum before doing so (I remembered from reading the responses to Jim's Contest Changes discussion that you had started this). Where did you put it--or did it get hidden already, too? I think this is a very constructive thread with some excellent ideas, but if it's not in the index as a separate thread any more, the ideas will only come from a very few.

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July 07, 2008

- Elida Gutierrez

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Elida Gutierrez
Elida Gutierrez's Gallery
  I whould like the hability to add pictures into galleries from "Edit your Photos"
I was adding some pictures to the new gallery and I don't how why I added this picture, it's not mine It's from DiAnna Paulk.
not mine

I deleted the picture from my gallery and got back to my old kind of gallery, but you can still get to see the picture by cliking the link.

I whould really like the discount for falimy (have three daughters with free gallery), or one week entry for freebees, they are a bit desapointed that no longer can enter in the contest.

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July 07, 2008


Kate Jackson
  I too am very disappointed that you cannot see the badges unless you open up the image. Also that you cannot comment. Hopefully this will come later.

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July 07, 2008


Sarah G
  I would like BP to have a better test system. Throughly testing something before they put it out on the production system for all of us to use would be very nice.

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July 07, 2008


Cary Rogers
  GREAT IDEA for a Member Thread, Diana! My nickel's worth:

1) I don't know if it HAD BEEN a temporary "glitch", or an intentional change...but I'm happy to see the photographer's names back under the thumbnails on the contest entries and Finalist pages.

2) [Although it could be due to many appears that daily contest entries are down about 15-20%.] How about a separate contest for ONLY free gallery members...with a top prize--in each category--of a "Basic" Gallery; so those 1st Place Winners could THEN enter the Main monthly contest?

3) THE suggestion (wish) for a BP Bulletin Board for announcing (ahead of time) any UPCOMING changes to the site, or to the contest...IS GREAT!! I noticed there ARE BP Blog pages for JIM, and the BP Girls....but the changes were never mentioned.

4) I liked being able to see more recent entries thumbnails per page, too...although I know some people liked "fewer" per page. So, perhaps a "number of thumbnails per page" viewing option would be nice!

5) Keep the badges under the thumbnails on "updated" Basic galleries, or at least offer the Basic gallery owner the option of them "displaying."

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July 07, 2008


Jessica Jenney
  I would like to see the following for the new version: 30 thumbnail images per page with the option of displaying the badges. It will be a real pain to visit some other (new version) gallery and look for the contest finalists and winners to comment on! I aslo long for the days when there were small thumbnail iamges in the contest entrie. Then you could see a days worth of images in each category.

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July 07, 2008


Graham Robards
  I second Cary the free gallery members have their own contest and the winner gets a 'basic gallery" so they can enter the main monthly contest.

Wonderful, as I said in my previous post we were all beginners once. ~Pat R

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July 07, 2008


Aimee C. Eisaman
  Yes that is a wonderful idea! I'm sure that without getting that first EP to encourage me....BP would have been just a small stop along the road of life for me! It got me excited and enticed me to buy the bigger gallery and get more involved in the site overall! And know I have dreams of taking class here! I think that without some incentive those free galleries will always stay that way and never invest in BP!

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July 07, 2008


Graham Robards
  When we first got a gallery Aimee there was never such a thing as an EP to encourage us, we needed to win finalists. Now that we are back the EP's are a fantastic encouragement.

Fast forwarding... the free galleries will remain free, the owners not moving towards the reinforcement.. BECAUSE THERE ISN'T ANY.

The Laws Of Learning apply to ALL animals... be it aardvark or human. Simple CLASSICAL CONDITIONING, P.R.
worth their bread and butter should know of this, if not look up Ivan Pavlov and J. B. Watson.

The researchers have not done their homework it seems, NOT catering for new members.... the future bread and butter... Why is this?

Buying a gallery is the aim so why not offer a free one in a contest as an incentive for the newbie's?

Great thread, thank you Diana. The classes here are great Aimee but you do need that incentive!

~ Pat Robards

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July 07, 2008


Sam Britt
  Thanks for creating this interesting thread, Diana. Here are some of my thoughts.

I think the first page should have the member Bio along with the large self portrait or favorite image, thumbnails & links to albums. Album order chosen by members rather than alphabetically by default.

I like Cary's idea about choosing how many thumbnails to display per page.

I'd like to be able change the sort order of images within each album.

Of course, EFP/ Finalist/ Winner Emblems should appear with images, as well as Photo Discussion links. I also like seeing camera model information.

Keywork tagging of your own images.

The bulletin board is an excellent idea. We could bookmark it & check it daily for updates.

I don't know if this bothers anyone else, but I don't like the way horizontal & vertical images are cramped into square format for thumbnails, giving a distorted appearance.

That's all I can think of right now. I'm tagging this thread to keep up with other members thoughts.

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July 07, 2008

- Ken Smith

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Ken Smith
Ken Smith's Gallery
  I finally had time to add a couple of albums..and my gosh, how tedious. If there's a way to add multiple images at once, that would be great. And then have a sort capability within each album. And, the search button that goes by date, does not return the images in the same order as they were uploaded.

I do like the flexibility of the layout and the complaints there.

Also, the ability to comment and have the option to turn on/off the medals on the main thumbnail page.

And finally, more thumbnails per page...there's only 8 as compared to 30 for the classic gallery..

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July 07, 2008

- Laura E. Swan

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Laura E. Swan
Laura E. Swan's Gallery
  Gosh! Pat, Cary and Aimee! What a great idea for there to be a contest for just new members/free galleries. (The bread and butters of BP's future!!!)

As a free gallery member and new to BP (Late January 08) I do understand what Diane (Lion Thumbnail) is saying about wanting SOMETHING that the newbys don't get since she took glasses and has paid a lot into BP.

But I have to admit that the first thing I though of when I read that was, "Well of -course- you have something I don't have. You can take better pictures because you have taken their classes!" No one can take that from you Diane! :)

So...why -NOT- have a contest for we beginners and we will stay out of your hair! I'm sure the BIG BOYS didn't want your pictures in the contest either when you first joined if you were just a hobbiest like me! Ha!

I hope BP will read this thread and consider this wonderful solution.

And I wish the best for all of you, too. I hope your gallery challenges get ironed out soon. :) -Laura Swan

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July 07, 2008

- Laura E. Swan

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Laura E. Swan
Laura E. Swan's Gallery
  Sorry for type-O's. It's after midnight here and I am sleepy.

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July 07, 2008


Graham Robards
  Hi there Laura,

I can see where you are coming from, The Incentive to do better and it has been taken away from you.

Why not start a Club for Free gallery owners! I own a free gallery, I can join, there you go!

That way you can still have weekly themes and awards to encourage you guys to do better. Just a suggestion,,,hang in there. ~Pat

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July 08, 2008


Jessica Jenney
  Well, we just received the latest Snapshot Newsletter and nothing is mentioned about the new Basic Galleries!
H E L L O!!!???????

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July 08, 2008


Graham Robards
  Laura, what I meant was I own with my husband two Premiums and a free gallery lol. just in case folk stop speaking to me too HA. ~Pat

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July 08, 2008


Sarah G
  I've been thinking about starting one.

I was thinking about the name...

"The Land of the Free."

BUT, I don't know if I really have the time to monitor it.


The whole issue with the contest was time and money. Who's got the time at BP to sort through all the Free Gallery Contest pictures. They'd be spending all those man hours and no revenue would be coming in to compensate for the time taken to do it.


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July 08, 2008


Graham Robards
  That's the bottom line in reality Sarah, spending all those hours with no revenue coming in but maybe for only one day a week as Laura suggested.

I like the name of the club HA. Very well said. ~Pat

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July 08, 2008


Sam Britt
  Since this is a wish list, I wish BetterPhoto would give us the option of keeping our Classic version, just the way it is! I spent 2 1/2 hours working on the new version last night. I concluded that it isn't an improvement, it's a headache!

I was planning on getting a Deluxe gallery and still keeping my Basic Gallery (old version), because I wanted to diplay more than 300 images. You can't do that (yet) with the Classic version. For that reason, I don't think BP should more than double the price of Basic galleries, unless they give those of us who prefer the Classic version, some new features.

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July 08, 2008


Diana Child
  Wow, A lot of great suggestions are coming in. Just for those who don't want to read through the entire thread and want to jump in, this a thread for changes or improvements, not rehashing complaints. However if you disagree with a proposed change or suggestion, feel free to say so... Politely of course. I'm again forwarding the link to this list to BetterPhoto so that they can see what great ideas we have for them... I'll let you know if or when I get any kind of answer from them.

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July 08, 2008

- Laura E. Swan

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Laura E. Swan
Laura E. Swan's Gallery

1) I bet BP could get cheap labor to help them by offereing FRESH OUT OF COLLEGE grads that have photography under their class "belts" and need to say they worked somewhere with clout for their resumes.

They could be part time and omni revolving. Minimum wage just for the experience. They would encourage the beginner/free galleries, manage the free contest part time (one day a week) and help BP farm them into upgrading.

We have hired grads to help us in our business in past years and they are enthusiastic and eager and willing to work for less so they can get the experience! :)

Just a thought. (BP...are you here?) :)

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July 08, 2008


Linda M. Walker

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July 08, 2008


Diana Child
  Perhaps if they did do a separate contest for the free galleries, it could be...

1) One Entry Per Week
2) Only First Per Category and One Grand Prize Winner
3) Use Long-time BP Members with several wins as judges and give them discounts on their galleries in exchange for their services. (Rotate these judges quarterly)

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July 08, 2008

- Laura E. Swan

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Laura E. Swan
Laura E. Swan's Gallery
  Interesting! :)

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July 08, 2008


Susan Fox
  Lots of great ideas!

I'd love to be able to view more photos per page in the contest. With so few photos on a page it takes forever to view recent uploads.

I'd be willing to donate a few of my free gallery wins. But since BP needs money I don't see them allowing that.

How about a compromise. People could donate a gallery win and that person then gets 50% off or something. This way you are donating, someone is benefiting and BP is getting money.

I do love the look of the new galleries but I'd like more than 8 photos per page.

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July 08, 2008


Sam Britt
  I'm sorry my last comment seemed like a complaint. I just wanted everyone to know that if you try to display more that 300 images in the classic version, you get a warning messing that you have selected too many images to display.

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July 08, 2008


Sam Britt
  oops... I meant warning "message"

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July 08, 2008


James Reininger
  First of all, thank you Diana! I think this is constructive.

I would recommend allowing members to rate each other's photos. Before reading further, I ask that you go to, use the pull down under gallery, and select Top Rated Photos. There are a few different features on this page in which you can use for your search. You can review top rated photos, galleries, and photographers. You can also search by category and time frame. Fair warning, if you select all for your category, you will get nudes (although most are artistic). Now go check the site out.

Okay, first of all, I do not recommend this for the monthly contest. I still think the contest should be judged by hopefully impartial judges. However, I think that this could be a nice tool for us. There are a lot of great photos and photographers on the BP site, and I for one would like to see what images are capturing other photographers’ imaginations.

I know that the favorite feature is supposed to address this need to a certain extent. However, in order to find a good image to save as a favorite, you still need to review the monthly contest - which is only sorted by category and the time images were uploaded! There are just too many photos in the monthly contest for this to be effective.

I also realize that there are issues surrounding rating systems (ie getting friends to give your photo a good rating - no matter the quality), however, I am confident that the good photos will rise to the top - where they deserve to be - and where we can get a chance to see them – and be inspired.

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July 08, 2008


Diana Child
  First, Sam, I don't think anyone is really doing much complaining on this thread yet, I just didn't want newcomers to the thread who typically just jump right in to miss out on the point. So, you haven't done anything wrong and you've made some valid points.

Second, thanks to everyone who has complimented on the thread. I'm glad we've found a constructive way to help out.

Third, I just got an email from BP stating that they appreciated the thread and were forwarding it to the feedback section (and they did copy them on the message to me). So you will know that BP will be reading at least some if not all of the thread, and maybe (just maybe) some of our suggestions will be taken into consideration. So keep up the good work everyone.

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July 08, 2008


Linda M. Walker
  Many excellent suggestions...thanks for starting this thread...I will now take the time to read all of them

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July 08, 2008


Jodi M. Walsh
  thank you so much for starting this thread.

as a free loader, I would happily pay 20$ for the "free" gallery that I have now so that I could also enter the contest. I have no need for storing hundreds of photos on this site (maybe upping it from 30 to 50 would be nice but i'm not pushing it) :-)

this way BP would get money and there would be a friendlier means of getting newbies into the contest. there is no way that I would have been able to justify putting out 50$ on a site and contest that I knew almost nothing about when I started. and I think it does take some time to really begin to enjoy the benefits of the site.

i also think some kind of peer rating system would be nice. there are a lot of photos that I would love to comment on but I don't have the time and sometimes I feel silly just saying "nice job" all the time. I just think it might encourage more interaction between members

i'm also so glad to hear that the BP people are reading this and hopefully considering implementing some of these idea.

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July 08, 2008


Karen Celella
  Diana, thank you for the terrific thread. Wonderful ideas. My primary agreement is for more thumbnails per page to facilitate more comments for members.

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July 08, 2008


Graham Robards
  Hi There Jodi,

I keep our Premium gallery down to around 17 images as I just don't have the time either. I know I can switch off the responses but it is nice that folk drop in and I do like to say thank you. ~Pat

What does Peer rating mean?

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July 08, 2008


Linda M. Walker
  I am really happy to see that BP has responded

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July 08, 2008


Drena Clementino
  A lot of very fine suggestions here.

I like some of you here feel very strongly that the free gallery users should be able to display their work and receive comments on their work. As things are now without a venue they are invisible on this site. I was thinking of a free exhibition type venue for them but I actually like Carey’s idea better of a juried competition where they can compete and hopefully win a basic gallery.
I would like to see qualified educators, artists and photographers do the judging and suspect there are many members here that meet that criteria. We just have to make it easy enough for them to judge and not too time consuming and I’m sure they would jump on-board.
One way to accomplish this is by a rating system like James mentioned. Something like that could be easily altered so qualified judges could easily submit, and scores easily automated.

I would also like the ability to add a page of type to each album should I want to talk about the images and give a little background etc. Right now there doesn’t seem to be a way to do this.

I think also for those that like to display badges, the ability to have small thumbnails with the win badges under them that you can arrange in any fashion you choose. Showing only wins, or having EFP on a separate page. Kind of a drag and drop system that’s fast, changeable and easy to use.

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July 08, 2008

- Laura E. Swan

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Laura E. Swan
Laura E. Swan's Gallery
  Wonderful idea, Drena! :)

Thank you so much for having such a creative mind.

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July 08, 2008


Carol Teal
  For $49 ($39 renewal), BP can't give us the moon or no one will want to pay for the deluxe sites. So, my wish list will be simple wishes with most already avaible in the classic version.
1. I would like for the little square thumbnails not to be distorted.
2. A comment button (which was there at first so I think that is a glitch)
3. Some way to get to your member center from your gallery
4. Finalist and winner badges showing up under the larger thumbnails on each page. If I don't have time to go through all the finalists/winners, I like to go to my friends' galleries as soon as the finalists/winners are out to see if I see any new badges so I can comment on at least those. If I go to their sites and have to click each image to open it and see if it has a badge, it would be way too time-consuming.
5.Easy way to sort images and add them to albums (instead of one at a time) and to organize albums in whatever order you prefer instead of alphabetical order.
6. It would be nice to be able to see more of the larger thumbnails per page (more than 8).
7. Some way to tell if your photos are a member favorite and to be able to add fav photographers.
That is all I can think of for now!

Because of the problems, I have not really had the chance to try out the new version, but from what I have seen, I think with a few tweaks, it will be very nice!

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July 08, 2008


Ellen Powell
I would like another category: one where people could submit images having to do with saving the planet. Images could depict positive things for the planet and negative things. For instance, the first 2 things that come to mind: water with garbage floating in it or construction of windmills. This would include what people could come up with in the dig. dark room, too. Here's an image I made with that in mind- I had no idea whether to enter it into People Or Nature/Landscapes...

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July 09, 2008


Ellen Powell
I would like another category: one where people could submit images having to do with saving the planet. Images could depict positive things for the planet and negative things. For instance, the first 2 things that come to mind: water with garbage floating in it or construction of windmills. This would include what people could come up with in the dig. dark room, too. Here's an image I made with that in mind- I had no idea whether to enter it into People Or Nature/Landscapes.

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July 09, 2008


David Van Camp
  Ellen, that's what CatchAll is for... anything that doesn't fit anywhere else.

I'd like a section in this Forum to discuss Gallery issues ... currently there is only one (hardly used) section for Deluxe sites, but, obviously, more is needed. This thread (for example) has been (re)categorized into a highly unintuitive subject section: Further Photography Resources. By it's name, I would not expect to find discussions of any BP site-related issue here!

Indeed, I'd like to see this whole Forum section based on more standard forum / bbs funtionality. And it would be to BP's great advantage if they based the software on one of the many, many available code libraries ... many of which are free (and almost bug-free too!) This would result in greatly reduced maintenance costs, far more features and a more standardized user experience.


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July 09, 2008

- Nikki McDonald

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Nikki McDonald
Nikki McDonald's Gallery
  I agree that there need to be Forum sub-categories for Gallery Issues and perhaps for General BP Issues so that discussions that do not fit the Contest sub-category, for example, do not get re-categorized (usually as "More" which means they are totally lost) and so that members have an appropriate place to discuss such issues. However, Diana said in Jim's "Current Contest Changes" thread that the placement of this thread in Further Photography Resources was her mistake.

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July 09, 2008


David Van Camp
  RE: However, Diana said .. that the placement of this thread .. was her mistake.

Ah, my mistake... I thought BP had moved it here. Sorry!

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July 09, 2008


Ellen Powell
  I forgot to say that I'd love to see people who have free galleries be able to participate in the free contest. This would make sure we weren't missing out on great images by kids and people who can't afford a premium gallery.

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July 10, 2008


Diana Child
  No, it was my mistake... It happens... Actually, it could have been wild penguins with a bug up their butt that pushed the wrong button instead of me. Who knows? I would like to see a bit of change in contest categories. For example, a "still-life" category would be great. A place to put that lovely shot of Aunt Ida's bejeweled comb and antique scarf combo. Or the truly original shot of the half-eaten jelly donut with powdered sugar and crumbs strategically placed on the table. (If anyone has those shots, I was just pulling them out of the recesses of my warped imagination, not from any specific gallery)

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July 10, 2008


Sarah G
  Been to the "Start a Club" place 3 times, thought about it and I still don't see a section for a club titled...

"The Land of the Free."

It's NOT Regional, nor is it a Camera, nor is it Topical (in the way they define it).

How are the clubs working? Do people really use them? Are there a lot of join and fade away issues?

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July 10, 2008


Nancy (Peaches) Harker
  HI everyone just got this letter from BP

Hi Nancy,

We appreciate your patience with the updates to your BetterPholio. accepts the following methods of payment: Mastercard, Visa and electronic check.

We are working on enhancements to the Basic BetterPholio features, and you can also count on seeing these corrections soon:
- The "Discuss this Photo" option will be back soon
- Editor's Picks and Contest wins/finalist buttons should be displaying
- Removing the "save picture as" option when you right click on a photo

If you have made a suggestion for further enhancements, we have noted these for consideration.

Thank you for your feedback.


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July 10, 2008


Jodi M. Walsh
  i found the clubs are working much better now that you have the option of getting email when there are changes. it's so much easier than having to constantly check back.

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July 10, 2008


Jessica Jenney
  Hey y'all! The discussion thread is now working on the new Basic Galleries!

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July 10, 2008


Sarah G
  I've wanted this ever since 10/07...a submit button at the top of the edit page.

I'm adding text to the picture I've just uploaded and I'm doing it on the edit page. I have to scroll ALL the way to the bottom of the page to submit. When if there was a button at the TOP of the page, I'd just have to push it.

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July 13, 2008


Diana Child
  Excellent suggestion Sarah.

Something I'd like to see is a small EFP, Final, 1st, 2nd, Win, POTD code by the photo in edit mode. That way those who like to keep their wins up front can find them easily and those who would prefer to put those in the back can do the same.

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July 14, 2008

- Elida Gutierrez

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Elida Gutierrez
Elida Gutierrez's Gallery
  Does any got their wishes granted?

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December 14, 2009

- Nancyj E. Hovey

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Nancyj E. Hovey
Nancyj E. Hovey's Gallery
Great thought, here it is 12/2009 so what have the changes been?

and NOW what changes do we wish for the year 2010???

great thread! 8o)

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December 16, 2009

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