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How to do a justified paragraph in CS3 text

This will probably seem like a very simple problem, but I can't seem to get a paragraph to "justify" in CS3. I click onto the paragraph palette, and can see the "justify" option, but it's not available, ie. I can't click onto it. If I open a new background and click onto the "T" option first, the justified paragraph option becomes available, but when I click back onto the new background to start typing, it disappears again and doesn't justify the text. Any ideas out there? Many thanks!

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March 06, 2008


Richard Lynch
  Not just's a solution.

If you choose the Type tool and click-and-drag on the image you will create a text box. Without that box, there is nothing to really justify against (you should be able to click center right or left, but you'll get the justification against the insertion point rather than as a paragraph).

Does that help?

Richard Lynch

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March 07, 2008


  Dear RIchard, Thank you so very much for the solution. I had tried just about everything but to no avail. I've just tried your solution, and it works! So I can only say thank you so much for taking the time to answer my query! kind regards, Sharon McAulay

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March 08, 2008


Richard Lynch
  Glad it worked for you. I'm happy to help!

Richard Lynch

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March 08, 2008


  Wow Richard - aren't you up very late? Or early? In Marbella it's 11:30 a.m. and the birds and frogs are singing out in the pond, but it must be a different time for you there, wherever you are. Another big thank-you, and I'm hoping to be able to sign up for your layers course very soon - as soon as I manage to unpack all the boxes that are still sitting staring at me from last week's move. Thanks again, and hope to be one of your students soon!

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March 08, 2008


Richard Lynch
  Is it early? Yes, I guess it is. I need to get an early start to catch up on all the wonderful interaction between my students in the classes here. I hope to see you in the betterphoto Campus Square for one of my courses as you suggest! Nice to meet you and enjoy your unpacking.


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March 08, 2008

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