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Category: New Questions

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Correct positioning

How should I behave if I find interesting angle, but the sun is shining from one side and can spoil everything. Let's say I don't have time to wait, till it's behind me, and even if I put it behind myself, I don't like the composition?

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June 18, 2002


Tom Darmody
  If your talking about taking a photograph with the sun actually in the frame. Try a small apature and a polarizing filter. Depending on the angle, you run the risk of lens flare, you just have play around with it.

If your talking about taking a picture in "hard light," there's not to much you can do about it. Try using a reflector under the subject and maybe even one off to the side to re-direct some of the light so that you reduce the shadows and hard contrast.

If you dont have reflectors a peice of cardboard covered with aluminum foil will work fine.


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June 18, 2002

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