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BetterPhoto Member

How to use an SLR camera

I have just been bought a used Canon SLR EOS300TWI but have no instructions and no idea how to use this. Can any one please help ??

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June 01, 2004


Jon Close
  I don't know where you're reading "TWI" in the model name. I don't know of any Canon cameras with that designation. There is the EOS 300 (aka Rebel 2000), and the EOS 300V (Rebel Ti). You can download the manual for the 300V/Rebel Ti from the Canon USA website - The controls and features of the 300/Rebel 2000 are only slightly different. You can also request a manual from Canon (for a charge), or look for the very good Magic Lantern guidebook for your camera.

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June 01, 2004

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