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Photography Question 

Raquel J. Jimenez

sunpak 522 flash

Hi, I want use this sunpak flash with my canon eos rebel 3000, I know that this flash is not compatible or some thing like that with ttl cameras, but any way, I want to use it, my question is... the flash sync speed of my camera is 1/90, how can I use this flash with this camera, I HAVE NOT A MANUAL OF THIS FLASH is posible this is thi problem , well thanks

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May 28, 2004

- Gregory LaGrange

BetterPhoto Member
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  You connect it to the sync cord outlet or to the hotshoe. It has an auto setting that you set it to, it also has a film speed scale that you set to the speed film that you're using. And there's a f/stop scale you set that you want to use.
You put the camera on manual, with it at the sync speed, and the f/stop you want to use. The sensor on the flash will adjust flash output based on how it reads the scene.

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May 28, 2004

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