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BetterPhoto Member

Lens compatibility for D70

I want to buy Nikon D70 Digicam. Please tell me the lenses manufacture for Film based SLR are fully compatible with D70 ( Ex: Sigma 170-500 mm Telephoto Zoom lens is fully compatible for D70)and all the functions are possible(like autofocus, 3D Matrix metering, focus lock etc.,). Please also tell me for view finder which one is better either Pentaprism or Mirror. Please reply I'm eagerly awaiting your early reply.

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April 18, 2004


Darrell Jensen
  I have the D100, a sister to the D70, and I use traditional (non-digital)D or G series lenses. The only caveat is that non-digital lenses have a magnification of 1.5 on MY digital camera(100mm non-digital lens = 150mm digital lens). I am not sure of the exact magnification specs on the D70, though, so you should check this further.

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April 21, 2004


Peter K. Burian
  Shasi: Basically, all autofocus lenses for Nikon 35mm cameras (from Sigma, Nikon, Tamron, etc.) should be compatible. (Oh, you may find one that is not, by some fluke, but that's not common.)

A true pentaprism viewfinder is preferable but the mirror prism used in the new cameras are just fine. Clear, crisp, bright view.

Cheers! Peter Burian

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April 28, 2004

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