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Photography Question 


Problems with Flourescent lighting

been taking oictures for my church and their is a lot of flourescent lights to the sides of the hall. My pictures have been coming out grainy like I have been using the worst lens and processor. I used both 200 and 400 speed Agfa film with a 28-80 Canon lens on a Elan 7e !Is it the lights that are posing the problem ? I have even resorted to using the autofocus and general picture-taking mode with no better results! What can I do to ensure I get better images?

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April 15, 2004


Jon Close
  Fluorescents usually impart a green color cast because they don't emit the full sunlight color spectrum. This can also cause the graininess because one or more of the film's color layers are not getting enough of that color exposure. An FL-D filter is helpful (without flash), or you can set your meter to ISO 200 with 400 film (equivalent to +1 exposure compensation) which will lessen the graininess and give more exposure to the weak color layers so the printer can better correct the green cast. Fujifilm's Superia line is also good because it has a 4th color layer that helps when in fluorescent or other odd lighting.

Are you using a flash? It's possible that your subject is beyond the effective range of the flash, causing it to be underexposed.

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April 15, 2004


  I am about ten feet from the subject and the flash (420EZ)has at least a 16 foot range.

I thank you for your suggestion and answers

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April 15, 2004

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