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Photography Question 

Anita Tykwinski

How do I unlock a photo for editing?

How do I unlock a photo for editing in Photoshop Elements2? I have some photo's on a CD that have the padlock on and when I change the image it tells me to go to Windows Explorer and use the properties command. When I do that there is no option to unlock a photo. Help please!!

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February 02, 2004


doug Nelson
  Maybe you should do an File/Save As and put it into a folder you set up in advance for tyhe images you have worked in Elements. The program is blocking you because it thinks you want to save the changes to the same CD from which you took the pictures.

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February 03, 2004


Anita Tykwinski
  Thanks Doug....that worked.

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February 03, 2004


Yannic Meerbergen
  Another solution is to copy the file on your harddisk, select it, right-click on it, select "Properties", and uncheck the "read-only" element.
That should unlock the image.

Hope this helps.

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February 24, 2004

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