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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

how focus on hyperfocal distance

how focus on hyperfocal distance while taking landscape photography and how I calculate in practice

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January 31, 2004


Bob Cammarata
  There was a previous Q&A Discussion on this topic which might help.

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February 01, 2004


doug Nelson

For this to work, your lens must have a distance scale, as shown in the examples. Wide angles usually have this.

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February 04, 2004


Tommy Luca

Tommy Luca

  Focal Distance
Focal Distance

Tommy Luca

If your lens has depth-of-field markings, you do it as follows:
First, set the "smallest possible aperture", like f/16 or f/22. This provides opportunity for the greatest possible depth-of-field on your lens.
Second, center the infinity mark above the right-hand number 16 or 22 whichever is highest on the depth-of-field scale of your lens. This brings infinity just within the depth-of-field, and it provides the greatest depth-of-field possible with your lens at f/16 or f/22, measured in Ft, 3ft., 7ft. etc. You shouldn't be able to get any greater depth-of-field than that. And that is "hyperfocal distance", this is simply a fancy term that means the "distance setting" at any aperture that produces the greatest depth-of-field. And you see that figure 8 symbol on your lens that is the infinity mark, that is what you want to set the highest f/ setting at. I posted two images so you can understand a little more here. hope this helps out Apurba.

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January 01, 2005

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