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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Manual Cameras

Ok, I am taking a photography class and I need a manual camera. I have always loved taking pictures and I know this class will make it more enjoyable because I will actually know about photograpgy, but I was wondering what manual camers are good, or if some are better than others. Price doesn't matter too much. Thanks.

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November 05, 2002


doug Nelson
  I hope others will forgive me for jumping in so quickly on this, but it's my favorite subject. I've pretty much dedicated my web page to it.

If you want absolute top of the line, and think that maybe some day you will need the flexibility of autofocus lenses that you can use on both an AF and a manual camera, consider the new Nikon FM3A. The camera WITHOUT a lens, however, is $600. Others will tell you to buy autofocus in the beginning and turn off all the automatic functions.

If money is a consideration, buy a used camera body and a 50-mm lens from ANY major manufacturer. We're talking UNDER $175!

Don't reject Pentax, Minolta and Olympus. In fact, your best buys will come from those brands. Ricoh SLR's are cheap and use Pentax K lenses.

If you must have new, consider the Nikon FM10 or one of the Vivitar/Phoenix/Cosina clones. The most common lens mount for these is the Pentax K, optically superb and cheap. Contact me through my web page if you have specific questions.

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November 06, 2002

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