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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

canon ae-1 program cams

I have a 1980's model canon ae-1 program camera. I am wondering what I should look for in regards to lens compatability and other accessories. What lenses will work and does anyone still make them? I should say that I desire to use the auto setting, also. Thanks in advance!

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October 29, 2002


Wayne Attridge
  The older Canon FD manual focus lenses will fit your camera. They are no longer made by Canon but you can find some very good used units if you look around. Try B&H Cameras. Mail order out of New York, I believe. Third party lenses are available from various suppliers but they are generally not the same quality as the canon lenses. Good luck.

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October 30, 2002


doug Nelson
  Canon's FD lenses are plentiful and inexpensive, AND you get optics as good as nearly any. Try, an honest, reputable camera broker in Atlanta. I had a problem with Adorama; maybe other people haven't . . .
Go to and ask for third party lenses. You should get Monaghan's guide to third party lenses that have excellent reputations and are relatively cheap. Standouts include the Vivitar Series 1's from the 70's, Tokina, Tamron, and Kiron. Just get them in Canon FD mount.

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October 30, 2002


Jason D.
  Every once I a while will have some used lenses but its not always reliable...i am currently looking for a better telephoto lenses but still have no luck

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October 30, 2002

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