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Category: New Answers

Photography Question 

Michelle L. Frick

December 2012 Countdown Thread


January 15, 2013...WOW! Welcome to 2013 everyone! I hope that this new year is treating you all well with happiness, health and maybe some special treats from the BP judges. It's time to select our favorites and to break out the chocolates (I have a bunch left from my stocking) and your favorite beverage. It's chilly here, so I might need some hot chocolate.

Helpful hints for attaching photos into Forum Threads:
1) Sign into BP completely (name + password.)
2) If you have NOT YET entered the Contest today, you can use the "Photo ID" to pull an existing image from your Member Center into your reply to this thread (avoiding a duplicate image upload.) Get the Photo ID# from your Member Center, come to back this thread, click Respond, enter the text of your reply, then choose "1" from the images-to-attach drop-down. Click Submit; at the next screen populate the "Photo ID" box at the right. Skip the other fields on that screen.
3) If you HAVE ALREADY entered the Contest today before replying to this thread, you can't use the Photo ID method today. You can either wait until tomorrow to reply here (before your new Contest entry!) or, upload a new copy of the particular image (from your PC) into this thread. This produces a duplicate image in your Member Center; however, you don't have to make that duplicate visible in your Gallery.
4) If you're uploading a duplicate, maybe title it "For Forum" so it stands out in your Member Center, for easier housecleaning later... This can help direct viewers to find the original image in your gallery, when they want to leave a comment. Likewise, if you want to add a comment to a photo seen here, try to tell if it is a duplicate upload. As a courtesy, try to find the original image in the member's gallery and leave your comment there instead of on the duplicate---that way, if the duplicate is deleted later, the comment history isn't lost.

Good luck everyone!!!

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January 15, 2013

- Carolyn M. Fletcher

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Carolyn M. Fletcher

I can't believe it's the middle of the month already!
I don't have a clear favorite, so I'll go with my doggie. He likes to be showing off.

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January 16, 2013

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