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Photography Question 

Jessica Jenney

Having an artist agent/rep

I would like to hear about any experiences you have had with an art agent. Pros and cons

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May 30, 2011


Thom Schoeller
  I'm a professional, and don't use a rep. I've been approached about it, and after careful consideration I declined the opportunity. My feelings: In my specific genre of photography I feel it is more financially responsible to do all the leg work myself, as well as learn to use the internet for self promotion. I do some commercial shoots, and it's remarkable how clients now FIND me. Personally, an agent is just another hand with very sticky fingers reaching deep in my pockets.

You might want to check into the website Highly recommend it, that site is loaded with others professionals who have experiences that may differ from my own. ie: VERY busy website and informative forum... I can only offer my own opinion, which is not the "end all-say all". Heck, I may even change my opinion one day!


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June 16, 2011

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