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Photography Question 


Creating a Fee Schedule For My Photo Services

Tomorrow I have an interview to show my work in landscapes and unique photos of individuals. The interview is with the head of the Alumni Office of a private school (K-12)in the Boston area. They are considering hiring me for their reunion weekend and I was curious as to what to present in the way of a fee schedule. I'm considering asking for $50/hr. plus expenses. If reprints are ordered from proofs, I would ask for cost x 3 per print. The other thing I could ask for is a flat $500/day in which case I could give them all the proofs and only charge for reprints. Does this seem reasonable? Also, if I am offered the assignment and take it, would this be the end of my opportunity to enter any amateur competitions?
Would love to hear back from you ASAP,
Jim, by the way, I bought your book, and love it.
Marilyn Micciche

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May 22, 2002 - Jim Miotke

BetterPhoto Member
BetterPhoto Crew: King
Contact Jim Miotke
Jim Miotke's Gallery
  Hi Marilyn,

I am very glad to hear you are enjoying the book.

Your fee ideas look good to me, especially the first option of $50/hr.

I recently did a similar job, charged $300 for three hours of digital shooting, where they got "all" (meaning only the good ones) of the digital images posted to their Web site. At the event, I set up a backdrop and studio lights - a little mobile studio, offering portraits. This went over very well and made the shoot much more worthwhile. You might want to ask them if you can do this do.

The contests that care about such silly designations as "professional" vs. "amateur" usually post their own definitions of the terms in their rules. Sometimes they consider that if you make at least 25% of your income from shooting, you are a professional. But I wouldn't worry about this one job changing your designation. And you are always welcome to continue to enter the BetterPhoto contest, where we try to downplay such classifications.

Again, thanks for the positive feedback regarding the book and best wishes with this shoot. Sounds like fun.

P.S. Be sure to bring a friend to assist - comes in very handy.

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May 27, 2002

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