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Photography Question 

Rosie Fodera

PNG Files

I'm trying to open up PNG files in my Photoshop cs2 but they will not open. I looked under the extensions folder and the plug in is there. I also tried to move it to another folder and download the plug in again but it's still not working. I'm able to see the plug in, in other applications except for photoshop. Any help would be much appreciated! I have MAC.


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October 25, 2008


Richard Lynch
PNG files have been around for a long time now (more than 10 years, though only with the release of IE7 did Microsoft support transparency). They should not really require a plugin to open.

How do you know it is a PNG (is there something other than the extension suggesting it is a PNG)?

What is the source of the file (where did it come from)?

What do you mean by: "I'm able to see the plug in, in other applications except for photoshop."?

It may be that the file is not what you think. It is not terribly likely, but it could also be corrupted.

Richard Lynch

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October 25, 2008


Rosie Fodera
  Hi Rich,
They are graphics to be used for digital scrapbooking. Most all digital scrapbooking files are png. When I go to file open in photoshop and click on the file it's grayed out. I looked in the photoshop folder that contains all plugins under Photoshop-File Extentions and there is a plugin for png. In Bridge I can see the graphics, I can also open them in a regular photo viewer that mac has. It's just in photoshop that it will not open. I know it's a png because of the file name.png
thanks for helping

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October 25, 2008


Richard Lynch
  Sometimes things are labeled one way and are actually something else. That's why I asked. However, you are on a Mac, and the extension problem is one that you would likely have on a PC.

Have you tried dropping the file on an open browser window to see if you can view it? I assume that if you scrapbook and often use these file types that you can open other files? If so, it isn't your setup or the placement of the plugin -- if it works for one it would work for all.

Since you can see it in Bridge, can you take a screen shot of the file info and post it here?

Richard Lynch

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October 25, 2008


Rosie Fodera
  Hi Rich,
I just started getting into this so this is the first time I'm using this file type. I can't figure out how to do a screen shot, but here are the details:
Bit depth 8
Color Mode RGB COlor
Document Kind PNG
Dimensions 761x629
Color Profile sRGB IEC61966-2.1
Yes, I dropped the file in an open browser and I can view it.

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October 25, 2008


Richard Lynch
  This all seems fine.

Just out of curiosity, I uploaded 4 png files to the following address. Please go there, download the files (Ctrl+click on your Mac to get the download menu), then open each in Photoshop...The four files are different pngs. See if any or all open in CS2 for you.



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October 25, 2008


Richard Lynch
  ahem...that URL:

Let me know which work/don't

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October 25, 2008


Rosie Fodera
  I downloaded 1&3 and couldn't open them. I accidentally clicked on 2 and 4 without clicking CTL first and now it will not give me the option to download the file...another problem!

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October 25, 2008


Richard Lynch
  What is the exact wording of the error message you are getting when you attmpt to open the files?

Richard Lynch

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October 25, 2008


Rosie Fodera
  I just figured it out!! I noticed that it opened in Image Ready and Bridge so I knew that the filter must have been missing from a folder somewhere. For some reason I have numerous CS2 folders and I search all of them and just put the plug in where it was missing..IT finally worked! Thank you again for helping.


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October 25, 2008


Richard Lynch
  I was just coming back to ask about Image Ready...Glad you found the issue.


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October 25, 2008

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