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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Wedding reception dance photos

Recently at a sisters wedding I shot some B&W. In the pictures of the wedding couple dancing at the reception the wall behind them is so dark it blends with the grooms suite (dodging brought out the detail) I usually do not shoot people in low light where a flash is requred. The pictures were shot at a shutter speed of 1/60 which is not to fast. The flash is rated at about 140 and I was shooting iso 400 at about 50mm to 60mm.

I have a different sister that is getting married next month. What could I do differently so the wall will be some contrast with the back wall so I do not have to do so much work in the dark room? I am shooting with am Elan 7 and again my flash is rated at 140.

In either case, I am not the wedding photographer.

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April 01, 2002


Jeff S. Kennedy
  You need to drag your shutter. Dragging your shutter means to set your shutter at a slow enough speed to record some of the ambient light in the room. The first thing to do is to determine what f-stop you are going to shoot your flash at. Next, meter the ambient room light at that f-stop. After you've done this lets say you get a reading of f5.6 @ 1/4. Now you can set your camera for that exposure or I prefer to underexpose the background a bit by a stop. So I would set it at f5.6 @ 1/8sec. This allows the ambient light to record in the background. The flash is enough to freeze the action on the dance floor so that the b&g don't get fuzzy. And as a benefit you might get a little motion blur in the background to make it look cool.

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April 02, 2002

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