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Category: New Answers

Photography Question 

Christopher A. Walrath

Note to Self

So here I am loading the first roll of 120 into the M645j I got from last month (sometimes a camera suffers snail's pace usage). Beautiful day at lunchtime. Outside of the store, I decide I am going to do some much overdue MF with my new-to-me camera. Load it. Shoot the first couple of frames, notice the exposure counter hasn't moved from start. Well, I think, OK. My first one wouldn't reset, just older equipment. Go through the roll, a lot of time and thought and stuff going into the compositions and exposure and I get done setting up and taking a self portrait. I think I should be around the 15 exposures and do a mental count. Well, don't want to have to change film when I'm ready to use it next time. I pop off the last frame. Advance. Stop. . . what? Well, OK maybe that was 14. Pop off the last frame. Advance. Stop.

OK. Not what I was expecting. Pop. Advance. Stop. Lather. Rinse. Repeat. Maybe it is a 220 holder missing the sticker. Nope. 40 TIMES. Something is stinking in Denmark.

Open the body and see the film hasn't wound from the start arrow yet.

. . .


. . .

OK. Come in. Reload the film into the charger of the camera that worked fine and insert THAT back into the new body. Lather Rinse Repeat. Wutdahell?!?!?

I think maybe I can fix something. Something is not moving right or I don't know what. I'm going back and forth between bodies on the insides. Nothin I can see. I look at the outsides hoping for inspiration.

Note to self: You're a dumbass.

I had heard that, as with older Minolta SLR's, never to trip the shutter without film. I had heard to store your M645j's with the exposure switch set to 'multi' so the shutter wouldn't advance and the curtain would not reset with film in it and to always store an unused camera with the multiple exposure set on yeah there it is. Christ. WORKS FINE! DON'T MIND ME! HAVE A GOOD DAY! AAAAUUUUUUGGGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!

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April 16, 2008


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April 16, 2008


Mark Feldstein
  Proving once again, YOU CAN teach an old(er) dog new(er) tricks. Enjoy the learning curve and save that darkroom practice roll for practice loading the camera's film mags. I have no doubt you'll have this mastered in one or two more tries. THEN learn how to do it in the dark.
Enjoy man, you deserve this rig.

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April 16, 2008

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