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Need to upgrade to a new program

Hello. My friend and I have been shooting weddings for 3 years as a hobby. I am a teacher and she is a stay at home mom. So far we have gotten by on using Adobe 2.0. Everyone loves our work. We are ready to upgrade and become really serious with our work. We need help finding a new program. We are really interested in CS2. Any comments? Where is the best site to purchase the program?

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October 09, 2007


John P. Sandstedt
  I'm assuming you mean Adobe Photoshop Elements 2.0.

Elements is now up to Version 6.0. The speed with which Adobe introduced Versions 4.0 and 5.0 and now Version 6.0 lead to the possible conclusion that these were really just tweeks of Version 3.0. Sure there are added features.

In my opinion, ELements is all the editing program most of us need. That being saud I do have CS2 and love it. But, for some things, and when my file size isn't too large, I can still manage with Version 1.0 - and use it often.

Elements 4.0 [which I also have] has some really nice features. It's more powerful than Version 1.0, but that's to be expected. I'm sure Version 5.0 and 6.0 are similarly great. All are mosre user-friendly than CS@ and CS3.

The Photoshop CS programs are designed for folks working at higher levels and link to other Adobe programs [Illustrator, etc.] Most of us don't need this level of sophistication.

Adobe recently introduced Lightroom, a program billed as the photography-based part of CS2 or CS3. Reviews in Pop Photo have been good - but, Pop never has an article on a product it doesn't like. A friend, who has Lightroom, likes ir - but advises he still needs to use CS2 after working in Lightroom to finish a print. And, he just loaded CS3 . . . That's his review.

As I said above, I think that you, like most of us, don't NEED CS2 or CS3. I'd upgrade to Elements 6.0 in your spot.

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October 10, 2007


dennis w. mcclain
  i love elements 5.0, but I am going to go ahead and upgrade to 6. alot of the things cs has that elements doesnt can be worked around. for the price elements is alot of bang for the buck. I do alot of weddings to, and its always done what I need. I do have a few plug-ins. the main one I use is noiseware. a couple of good books for elements is "photoshop elements maximum performance" by mark galer, and advanced photoshop elements" by philip andrews. if you have itunes, the photoshop elements killer tips pod cast is great to

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October 14, 2007

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