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Category: New Questions

Photography Question - Pamela C.M Lammersen

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Pamela C.M Lammersen
Pamela C.M Lammersen's Gallery


I have been branching out more with my photography and doing more events and portfolio type shoots.

With the pricing on the shoot the clients get a copy of the cd with their images, also on the cd is a copywriter © disclaimer saying they can not make change to the images with out written permission from me etc etc. I am finding people are making changes and posting the altered images on their blog type internet pages. They are clearly not adhering to the copywrite disclaimer. I also have someone that wrote me and asked if they could use an image for an event – I wrote back and approved the usage and asked what media he needed the image in so I could send it to him. He replied that he had already downloaded the image from someone blog page. He had already put the image in the format he needed for advertising etc. prior to asking for permission, I feel he pirated a copy of the image. Is this a common thing that people do and just something I need to get used to? Is there any way to stop this or are you at the mercy of people’s honesty with copywrites etc.

I could of course be making a bigger deal of this than is needed but I find it rather rude when there is a copywrite involved. What are you guys experiences with this?

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August 08, 2007

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