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Photography Question 

Sonya Cork

Problem Uploading

Please help! I am trying to upload my photos in photoshop but when I try to upload I get the message that the file was recognized and couldn't open it. I am not shooting in raw. Files are showing up as 0008/root/img_0069.bmp. Do I need to change something on my camera? I have a canon rebet xti. Thanks!!!

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June 06, 2007


Ariel Lepor
  Why is your camera putting out BMPs?

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June 06, 2007


Sonya Cork
  I don't know. Do you think there is something wrong with the camera?

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June 06, 2007


Ariel Lepor
  I doubt it. Have you read your camera manual? And try importing the pictures with a different program, like Picasa. Then right-click the picture and see if it is .bmp. If so, there is probably some setting you have to change. If not, there is probably some setting you have to change in Photoshop. I can't really give your more help, though, since I use neither Photoshop nor the Canon Rebel.

ScrattyPhotography Blog

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June 06, 2007


Sonya Cork
  Thank you! I will try that!

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June 06, 2007

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