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Photography Question 

Theresa A. Bish

Taking cameras onboard Niagara Falls boat tours

Has anyone taken cameras on any boat tours at Niagara Falls? Idon't know if it's allowed, or if you do, how you protect your equipment from the mist and water. I have never been there but am told that you get very soaked. Could anyone help me out? This will be on the Canada side.

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May 16, 2007


Bob Cammarata

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May 17, 2007


Kerry L. Walker
  Took my OM-2n on the boat with me and shot a few photos. You get wet but not THAT wet. Don't know how the newer electronic cameras fare but I will bet it won't be as bad as at the beach. After all, the spray is fresh water, not salt water.

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May 17, 2007


Theresa A. Bish
  Thanks Kerry. I use a Nikon F5, so I'm a little concerned. Never been there before and didn't even know if you could take cameras on board.

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May 17, 2007


Kerry L. Walker
  If my OM-2n could handle it, your F5 won't have a worry in the world. It is a lot better sealed than my camera.

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May 17, 2007


Like Kerry says.
And if you're still not sure and prepared to spend 10 cents and some elbow grease you can get an extra layer of protection:
weatherproof your F5

Have fun!
And show us your harvest when you get back!

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May 17, 2007


Christopher A. Walrath
  I took my Minolta XG-M on the Maid of the Mist and I also took a little WalMart plastic bag along, taped the bag around the end of the lens (cutting a hole first of course) and a micro absorbent towel to CONTINUALLY keep the lens dry, right before every shot. Man, the images are breath taking. Just be ready before hand and learn to live with the blue plastic hoodies in the bottom of your images. Those people don't stay still.

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May 19, 2007


Theresa A. Bish
  Thanks so much everyone. I guess I don't need to buy an expensive waterproof bag, then. It sounds like it's going to be a place for some great photos!

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May 19, 2007

- Lisa J. Boulden

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Lisa J. Boulden
Lisa J. Boulden's Gallery
  Just be prepared to get wet!
I'm gonna have to try Chris W.'s suggestion on my next visit, 'cause I've never been brave enough to bring my camera on that soaking journey.
(When I photograph at the Cave of the Winds, I have more control over how close I get to the Falls.)
Both adventures are definitely well-worth the admission price-- "must-sees" when visiting Niagara Falls!

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October 20, 2009


Nicholas Semo
  I took my D200....You just have to be prepared to get very wet.

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November 08, 2009

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