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Photography Question 

Cindy Sj

auto ISO on d80

today I was shooting my camera for the first time, trying different settings, etc....and I ran into something frustrating. I set the camera to "S" mode, but the camera would flash the "ISO AUTO" display, and then set the shutter speed to 1/4000. I went into the custom settings and unchecked the ISO Auto box, backed out of the menu by hitting the "back" arrow, and then hit "ok" to get out of the menu mode. I went back to "S" mode, and there was the ISO Auto, blinking again!! What's happening and how can I make it stop? (or do I want to make it stop?) All feedback appreciated!!!

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April 02, 2007


Jon Close
  I'm not sure, but I think you may be confusing the "AUTO" setting for ISO (p. 43 and 83 of the manual) with "ISO-AUTO" (Custom Setting #7, p. 88).

Setting the ISO to "AUTO" (either directly with the ISO button and main control dial, or in the Shooting Options Menu), the camera will always automatically select the ISO value.

Custom Setting #7 is used to set the ISO-AUTO function (what you see flashing in the display). This function is a little different than setting ISO to AUTO. With the ISO-AUTO function ON, the ISO will start at the selected value and will automatically change only if optimal exposure cannot be achieved at that ISO setting. That is, at a set ISO level if the metering calls for a shutter speed or aperture outside the availble range, instead of giving a warning or indication of under/overexposure it'll adjust the ISO automatically.

ISO-AUTO also has a MIN SHUTTER speed setting so that the ISO will automatically be increased to keep the shutter speed faster than that minimum.

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April 03, 2007


Cindy Sj
  jon ~
thanks for taking the time to answer a confusing question. I was attempting to turn off the ISO-AUTO function, and it wouldn't turn off. I was attempting to turn it off because I was trying to blur the water in a stream that was kind of shady by using the "S" mode, and it kept setting my shutter speed to 1/4000. Drove me crazy. Why would anyone want ISO-AUTO to change the shutter speed without warning? Is there a benefit to it that I'm not seeing because I'm a rookie? again, thanks for your help!

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April 03, 2007


Jon Close
  The benefit is that ISO-AUTO treats the ISO setting as an additional auto-exposure variable. Compare for example, standard A mode. You set ISO to 100 for highest quality and the aperture to f/8 for deep depth of field, and the camera automatically chooses the shutter speed. If the lighting dims (clouds pass or you move in/out of shade or indoors) the camera would set a longer shutter speed that will cause blur, or you would have to stop and manually raise the ISO setting.

With ISO-Auto set, the camera will use ISO 100 so long as the shutter speed stays above the minimum specified. If the lighting dims then it'll maintain that minimum shutter speed by automatically raising the ISO.

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April 03, 2007

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