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Photography Question 

Jessica Johnston

How to insert numbers in photo software

I have photoimpact 11 as my photo editing software and I am trying to design business cards. I am having trouble figuring out how to insert numbers in a text box. I can't put my phone number on there! If anyone can help I would really really appreciate it. (I also tried to do this in the simple "Paint" program and had no luck. ANY HELP IS APPRECIATED! THANKS!

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March 31, 2007


Charlene Bayerle
  go to can get 250 business cards, that you can design, for free!!!!!

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March 31, 2007


Jessica Johnston
  I went to vistaprint, but I have an image and certain font I want to use on the cards. Thanks for the suggestion, but I really would like to know how to add the numbers so I am 100% pleased with the finished product.

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March 31, 2007

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