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Photography Question 

Kimberly A. Totten

Renaming Business

My husband and I have a business together - Tot Shots Photography -- basically named bc I wanted only to shoot children and families, and our last name is Totten. (hence double meaning for TOT) . which people can not pronounce... We are not trying to move into the wedding world, and want to rename our business to reflect as such.. Need a creative name... Our names are Kim and Randy, and we are from Georgia (southern part)

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February 27, 2007


Alan N. Marcus
  Hi Kimberly,

Years ago I liked names relating to silver. The metal silver has and remains the chief ingredient in conventional films and photo papers. The motion picture industry used silver a lot like silver screen etc.

Today silver is out because digital is in. I like “pixel” (picture element).

Years ago, when people asked me how I did this or that, I often replied, taking some lint from my pocket and sprinkling it about “pixie dust”. So if I were going into business, I think “pixel dust” might be a good one.

Luck to you,

Alan Marcus

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February 27, 2007


Michael A. Bielat
  You Stated: "We arenot trying to move into the wedding world, and want to rename our business to reflect as such.. Need a creative name"

I take it you mean "NOW" and will address this post as such.

I chose Michael Alan Photography for my business from my first and middle name.

My last name, is quite odd to pronounce
and felt my middle name would work much better. It has and a lot of people comment on how they like it.

With that being said, it all depends on what you want to market.
Do you want to market that you are husband and wife and in a partnership?
Who runs the company more you or your husband?

Off the top of my head, you could get something going like "K&R Photography"
Maybe get a nice cursive font and have the K and R letters intertwine with the &. Easy to say and pronounce, it flows and has a meaning.

You could also do the Kim+Middle name Photography or Randy + middle name Photography depending on who runs it more.

There are always those names that I feel are a dime a dozen like "Creative Memories" and names like that.

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February 28, 2007


Kimberly A. Totten
  Sorry Michael -- yes it was supposed to be NOW not NOT -- and yes, we want to represent that both of us are in the business together.... equal partnership --- we thought about K&R already, but husband thinks it sounds like an automotive parts store (K&N Filters, for example) middle names are Kimberly Ann and Randy Gene -- neither one flows really well like yours does...We do want something that reflects our names somehow, or at least part of it... people just tend to butcher our last name

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February 28, 2007


Michael A. Bielat
  I hear you...

Given that you are equal partnership you would want something to then reflect either your names OR that you are a "team"

I Think that

Totter Photography is actually catchy.
I assume it is pronounced TOT-ER.

I agree that if the company was called K&R Filters that people would think of it as automotive. But when you swap Filters with Photography or Studio then you have a photography company name. The company logo would follow a more professional look that would further distinguish it from sounding like something else.

Maybe something like:
Photography by ________

Otherwise, use stuff you both like as analogies. Maybe the town or city you live in somehow or use something to do with photography (google search photographers dictionary)

Otherwise, I am fresh out of ideas. Hope they help somewhat.

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February 28, 2007


Michael A. Bielat
  I hear you...

Given that you are equal partnership you would want something to then reflect either your names OR that you are a "team"

I Think that

Totter Photography is actually catchy.
I assume it is pronounced TOT-ER.

I agree that if the company was called K&R Filters that people would think of it as automotive. But when you swap Filters with Photography or Studio then you have a photography company name. The company logo would follow a more professional look that would further distinguish it from sounding like something else.

Maybe something like:
Photography by ________

Otherwise, use stuff you both like as analogies. Maybe the town or city you live in somehow or use something to do with photography (google search photographers dictionary)

Otherwise, I am fresh out of ideas. Hope they help somewhat.

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February 28, 2007


Kimberly A. Totten
  Thanks Michael for your suggestions....
Our last name is Totten (with an n)
TOT ten --- Totten Photography is somewhat catchy, I agree, but is a tongue twister....

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March 01, 2007


Denyse Clark
  Hi Kim.. I think Totten Photography actually flows quite nicely, I don't think it feels like a toungue twister. Really, people butcher it?? It seems like such a simple one. Then again they butcher my FIRST name because it has a 'y' instead of an 'i' in it :-)

I went thru the same thing when I named mine, my name is Denyse Marie LaMay but I was separated from my husband when I started the business, so I didn't want my last name involved. I ended up with D'Marie Photography. I understand wanting the name to represent YOU, I think it's a good idea. (and I think you're right on the initials, too boring)

It gets a little tricky with 2 names. All combinations I came up with for your names didn't really flow in my opinion.

Kannran (kim ann / randy)
Anngene (ann / gene)
Kandy (kim / randy)
Kene (kim / gene)

I love Tot Shots, that was a great one if you were staying in children work.

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March 01, 2007


Kimberly A. Totten
  Hi Denyse -- yes, people usually call us Tutten...instead of Totten... gets very annoying as you probably know...thanks for the suggestions..

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March 01, 2007

- Dennis Flanagan

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Dennis Flanagan
Dennis Flanagan's Gallery
  From reading different books on the subject, the main point I picked up for naming a business, is make sure prospective customers know what you are trying to sell. For instance, a non-photographer may not know what "pixels" mean. I am not critisizing those who use that name, but think about your target customer base when naming your business.

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March 01, 2007


Michael A. Bielat
  Oh sorry. I misread the spelling of your last name.

Totten Photography or Totten Studios may sound pretty upscale...

If people always say Tutten then use your DBA to be Tutten Photography so everyone will get it right haha.

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March 02, 2007

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