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Category: New Answers

Photography Question 

Christopher Delaney

Pricing my first photo shoot?

Hello fellow BP Members! First of I have to thank you for all the help I have recieved here! So much so, I have been asked to do my first Paying shoot! Yippee! I have a man who is a solo artist making his first signed CD for a semi major lable. He was in my music store and saw some of my work and especialy liked a scene I have in my gallery of the old gas pumps. What I need to know is how to price this, remembering its my first! Also any suggestions about the shoot. I am not looking to make a great deal of money, I am just excited about being asked to do it! Any help would be great! I will not be able to respond till later on today, so thanks ahead of time.

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February 01, 2007


Ariel Lepor
  You're picture on the front of a commercial CD? I don't know, $1000?

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February 01, 2007

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