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Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Photography for insurance and real estate-help?


I am a stay-at-home mom. I have a Nikon D70 and really have had fun taking photos. I have been told I should pursue photography professionally. I was thinking of getting into the insurance and/or real estate industry. I just don't know how to start and what experience I will need. Do I need to be insured? What do I charge to take pictures for companines? Can I just get a buisness card and promote myself? Does anyone here know the in's and outs? If so, I would love to chat.

Thank you!

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December 29, 2006


Mike Rubin
  In CT the Real Estate agents take their own photos (and it shows,lol) The same goes for insurance adjusters. You might have better luck marketing towards homeowners who either need photos to document insurance claims, or people who nee quality photos of valuable items for proof of ownership to go along with an insurance policy.
You shold register with your state as an LLC (limited Liability Company) when done right it can protect your personal assets,if ther should be a claim against you. The key to "doing it right" invloves moer than jsut registering woth the state,otherwise your personal assets can still be at risk. Having proper insurance is just one of the many things you need.
I am in the process of setting up an LLC. and have done a lot of research. If you want any more info, feel free to email me.

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December 29, 2006

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