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Photography Question 

Donald Zero

What mount is used for KOWA retinal camera?


I'm new to retinal photography and recently picked up a fx-50c retinal (fundus) camera. It came with a polaroid back, although I know there was a 35mm back available at one point. I stopped by a store real quick tonight and it looks as if the camer mounting system is reversed, but I'm not sure.

There is a lever on the actual retinal camera to allow the camera back (polaroid or 35mm) to be fixed into place. I think the term is bayonet style. I am looking to convert to digital and would like to know if anyone has any idea what KOWA used as a mount for their cameras. They don't list the mount info in the manual.

thanks for any help.

I figured I'd just have to go to a store and play around, and also realize it also depends on what digital SLR I decide to go with..

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December 20, 2006

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