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Photography Question 

Carla Frey

Unsure pictures are good enough to sell

I've been taking some course on photography as well as pictures of friends and family. Recently, friends have attempted to make copies at Walgreens and have been denied because they need a studio release in order to do so. I'm not sure my pictures are good enough to charge people for and if they are where to start? Any suggestions. I do have pictures in the gallery. Thank you. Carla

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December 14, 2006


  Hi Carla,

the pictures currently in your gallery are all 29 really pretty similar. I'd like a much wider variation of images before I'd trust myself to say that someone's got the eye or not. E.g. I can see you need to work on composition and dramatic lighting. Try landscapes, cityscapes, macro, architecture, tabletop, etc. etc., to gain experience and build your portfolio.

And about Walgreens... they suck! But you knew that, didn't you?

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December 14, 2006


Kerry L. Walker
  If people are trying to copy them they must want them so they should be willing to pay for them. Have them printed at a good lab and charge for them.

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December 15, 2006


  Dream on, Kelly! "If people are trying to copy them" they are apparently NOT prepared to pay for them!

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December 15, 2006


Kerry L. Walker
  Your reasoning defies logic. Just because some people would rather steal your work rather than pay for it does not, by extension, mean that that would not pay for it if they can't steal it.

Carla, there is only one way to find out. Give it a shot.

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December 15, 2006


Samuel Smith
  i suppose I agree with kelly.there's always a niche to fill carla.
apparently they feel you are at least a good just charge accordingly and then down the road as your clientele grows,so should your prices.
I did notice a lot of your poses were similar,but I think if you checked out debby tabb's studio photography threads you could get a lot of good ideas.

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December 15, 2006


Carla Frey
  Thank you all for your input and encouragement. I did go back and upload some of my other pictures to add more of a variety. I will definitly check out debby tabb's threads. Also, Walgreen's has gotten much worse! I just received 2 xmas cards from friends afar and Wal-mart does a better job. But I've been working w/ mpix and prolabexpress. Has anyone heard anything about smugmug? I think the quality of the 2 I mentioned and pricing is reasonable, but I wish Mpix had more options for products. Thanks again!! Carla

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December 15, 2006

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