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Category: New Questions

Photography Question 

Alicia McMahill

ways to go?

I have been asked to do a 'few shots' at my husbands work for his holiday dinner. Ok so it will be great exposure and maybe a few $ in sales.
I am planning a small set up with chair/stool and a laptop to show my work.
What I am not sure about is the prints. I don't do on-the-spot shots most of the time, is it worth getting a die sub printer and doing them on site or take orders w/ payment. I would like to do post cards with a christmas theme. I have a portfolio and cards and everything to get started but am wondering if there are members on here that do this sort of thing that can tell me what I am missing/forgetting. The event is the 10th of next month. What do you think?

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November 22, 2006

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