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Category: New Answers

Photography Question 

BetterPhoto Member

Post production

I own a Canon Eos 20d and I've been thinking about purchasing a Eos 1V to go along side it for my Nature and sports photography. My experiance with post production film is zero though. So, my question is will it still be possible to increase contrast, saturation, color tone, and sharpness via changing parameters, or is that stricky a digital thing?


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September 11, 2006


Jon Close
  You can do those adjustments with film, but not as easily. They are controlled by choice of film, how it is exposed, how it is developed, and how it is printed. Developing and printing traditional (not C-41 process) black and white film is a simpler process than color, and can be done at home. Color film processing and printing is much more technically difficult and best left to a competent lab.

Alternatively, one can simply have the film processed normally, and scan the negatives to a high-res digital file and make all your changes digitally as one would using the 20D.

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September 12, 2006

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