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Photography Question 

Laura J. Smith

Battery Wears Out Immediately

I've tried a couple different brand new batteries according to the manual and done the process of discharging batteries completely. Still, my Fuji Finepix 550E takes maybe ten pics before displaying the low battery sign, then shutting itself off. What is the problem here? I bought camera used from E-bay -- can it be the camera itself?

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August 25, 2006


Mark Feldstein
  More than likely your battery bandit is a short-circuit somewhere. I suggest you clean the battery contacts and make sure there are no corrosive contacts where you can visualize them.

The fact that you bought this off ebay says a lot too since unfortunately, a lot of people use ebay to unload stuff that they know isn't working properly. If a potential buyer doesn't ask all the right questions, it seems they can get stiffed and need to avail themselves of the seller's return policy, if it exists at all. :<(

I haven't any idea what the camera is worth, but maybe sending it to Fuji or some other competent repair shop might solve the problem for ya. Whaddya think?

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August 25, 2006


Laura J. Smith
  Thanks, Mark. It cost $200, is probably not worth fixing, is a backup camera to keep in my pocket...will let it go, but appreciate the info, wouldn't have guessed short circuit but new something was wrong.

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August 27, 2006


Mark Feldstein
  For a couple of bucks, or even nothing L. you could probably take it to a camera repair shop and have a tech run a VOTM test meter across the right contacts to determine whether the camera has an electrical problem. Might be worth it just to make sure.

Take it light.

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August 27, 2006


Jessica A. Eiss
  I just read an article today in a photg mag about this.

Get a battery tester, and test each battery by itself. If you try to charge all of your batteries together with one that isn't at the same capacity as the others, it won't charge properly, and it will wear itself and the others down faster.

To remedy, if that's the problem, you would have to take one, (or the remainder of however many you need to be able to charge in your charger), and take it (them) all down to the same level, and begin the charging process, which could take a couple of times.

If it's not the battery issue, maybe there is a short, unfortunately. J.

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August 27, 2006

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