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Category: New Questions

Photography Question 

Diana Weiss

Dust problems

I've had my Canon 20D since the beginning of the year. Because of my travels and lens changing I've had a couple of dust bunnies make their home on my sensor - or the filter protecting it.

After reading my manual and checking every site on the web about cleaing it...I tackeled the problem. Grrr...

I used the liquid that came with it and it was 'ok'. I was very careful. I also cleaned the mirror and its fine.

Well, to be sure all was ok, I went out and took a test shot and dust bunnies had babies!!!

Ok, I can clone my way out of it most of the time, no problem, but it does take time I'd prefer to be taking photos.

Because I live in the West Indies the costs to mail my camera to the US for professional cleaning is huge. Shoot, its $50 US to mail a letter to the US!

Can someone tell me if it is better if I clone my way out of it until I return to the US in a few months or...

Accepting all help. Thank you, thank you.


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August 21, 2006

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