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Kate Jackson

How to get black & white prints

I have just bought a Cannon Pixma MP800 and am so disappointed that I cannot print in black and white. Everything comes out with a red tinge even when printing on greyscale. I have tried everything and fear the only thing is to send it back. My old Epson RX500 used to print with a blue tinge!
Does anyone know how to overcome these problems or can recommend a reasonably priced home printer to print black and white prints. I like to give them a tint but prefer to choose my own tint rather than wait and see what the printer comes up with.

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August 09, 2006


Ariel Lepor
  It seems like you have a bad printer. One thing you could do is remove the color cartridge when printing black and whites. (You DO have a black cartridge, don't you? Kuz if you don't.... Don't blame your printer too much for printing with the wrong cartridges, even though it should be able to deal with just a color one.) Another think you could do set the photo to black and white and then try to play with the colors to reduce the red. I have an HP printer (photosmart 7350, probably out of date now), and I've never had a problem with it, though I don't usually do b&w.

ScrattyPhotography Blog

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August 09, 2006


John P. Sandstedt
  I assume you made the image in color and transferred it your computer. I further assume you're trying to print from Photoshop. Hope I'm right.

Bring up your color image and go to File?Image?Desaturate or File Image>Adjust>Channel Mixer>Monochrome [if you're using Photoshop 6.0 or higher.] You'll get a B&W image. Work a little magic by adjusting contrast.

Then, print. I used my Canon S800 and now use my i9900 to get great B&W images. I would hope you get a decent image without clicking the grayscale radio button. If not, try that radio button.

If the problem still exists, call Canon Tech Support. They're really great at helping. And, if they can't help and you're still under warranty [assuming they determine the printer at fault,] they'll probably replace it.

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August 24, 2006

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