BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: New Answers

Photography Question 
- Lynnmarie Daley

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Lynnmarie Daley
Lynnmarie Daley's Gallery

Defunct email

Please help...I no longer receive email notification of comments on my images and I'm not sure if my responses are getting through, either. I've been told to email my problem to a specific person...however, my emails won't go through, either! Probably a simple tech glitz...but the solution is escaping me. Any ideas? NO-GEEK

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August 04, 2006


Pat Worster
  Hello Lyn, for a long time I had to continually hit the refresh button to see my response and comments, you could try that. After about a month it worked right.

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August 04, 2006

- Lynnmarie Daley

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Lynnmarie Daley
Lynnmarie Daley's Gallery
  Thank you, Pat, I'll give that a try! Lynn

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August 04, 2006

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