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Category: New Answers

Photography Question 

maria a. orsted

web siute delux security feauture

Hi everyone, when I got the delux web site I updated the right clik security feature so browsers could not copy my pictures, I noticed some of my pictures are secure and some are not. Do someone had this problem before? and if so how to fix it?

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July 26, 2006


Craig m. Zacarelli
  i never heard of that.. the right click is easy to get around anyhow... I do it all the time to grab shots out of my watermark em for the extra security.

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July 26, 2006


Nobu Nagase
Click on "Live Help" when lit in orage on top of the page to get live support on any adminstrative and technical issues on BP like yours. I heard they are very helpful.

Re. to security issues:
Disabling the right click will keep a lot of people from easily copying your images but unfortunately it's not fool-proof.
It's been recommended to post smaller low resolution image files. They may be used for web posting but not very useful for making quality prints.
Watermarking is an option. I have recommended a watermarking software from Digimarc (, a bit costly, too) in the past but many people do not like to watermark their images.

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July 26, 2006


maria a. orsted
  thank you very much for your help

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July 27, 2006


Craig m. Zacarelli
  problem is, most here wanna win the contests.. if you watermark or load low rez shots, they get looked over in the contest... You can water mark for free in Photoshop. Just use the text tool, write your name across the pic, go into the Layers palette and click on the watermakr (text) layer, then click on the opacity slider at the top of the pallette and lower it to about 50% or less... very easy, you can even recod it as an action if your ultra lazy like I am!

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July 27, 2006


maria a. orsted
  Thank you again craig you been very helpfull, I will work on my water marks on photoshop.

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July 27, 2006

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