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Photography Question 

Christina C. McConkey

Digital pictures extremly messed up- What is it?

I've been using my Nikon D50 SLR since March with no problems. Then yesterday trying to upload the pictures to picasa, I ran into MAJOR problems. Only 2 pictures out of 6 were okay. The others came in variations of the sample pictures I've uploaded. They looked ok on the camera when I took them. Could it be the card or the sensor? I have no clue. Any ideas?

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July 11, 2006


Christina C. McConkey
  Okay, I just tried again a day later....and it worked fine. Still kinda leary about it. Any clue what happened the first time I tried to upload and view the pictures?

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July 11, 2006


Danielle E. Rutter
  No clue. Sorry. But you might try contacting Nikon about it... even though it all worked out in the end. Let me know if you find out anything... I've got the same camera.

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July 11, 2006


  This has also happened to me, I think it is a memory card issue, not a camera issue. Especially if you are pushing your memory card.

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July 11, 2006


Robyn Gwilt
  Beside it not being a Canon....:) I've also had a similar problem, and I think its more memory card as Natalie suggested. Try re-formatting all your cards (make sure you've saved all the images first!)

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July 15, 2006


Christina C. McConkey
  Thanks for the advice. I tried re-formatting the card. I didn't have any more problems till today. I left the pictures from yesterday on the card after uploading them. Then today I uploaded them to the computer again, and some of them came in terriably messed up. I looked at them in the camera, they looked fine, so I rebooted the computer, tried again, and they came in fine. Could it be the card reader?

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July 19, 2006


Robyn Gwilt
  Christine, when you look at the images on the card, IN camera, are they fine? If so, judging by your last comment, its not the camera, or the card, but more maybe the card reader, or the computer's processor/editing programme of the pix? Try deleting everything on the card, re-formatting, and shooting lots of pix, then go through the procedure again. If they're ok in the viewfinder, I'd say the problem is definitely more computer than camera/card.

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July 19, 2006


Robyn Gwilt
  Christine, when you look at the images on the card, IN camera, are they fine? If so, judging by your last comment, its not the camera, or the card, but more maybe the card reader, or the computer's processor/editing programme of the pix? Try deleting everything on the card, re-formatting, and shooting lots of pix, then go through the procedure again. If they're ok in the viewfinder, I'd say the problem is definitely more computer than camera/card.

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July 19, 2006


Nobu Nagase
It looks like file transfer did not complete successfully. Some data is missing and thus you see the incomplete image.
How are you uploading the image files to your computer? If you are not using a cardreader (USB interface), I would recommend it. If you are using a cardreader and if it happens again, try to upload the images on a quiet system (close all other programs).

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July 19, 2006

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