BetterPhoto Q&A
Category: New Answers

Photography Question 

Barbara Criddle

Changing camera with picture

Can someone tell me how to change the camera that is listed with my pictures in my gallery. I selected the wrong camera before I downloaded my pictures and now the camera displayed in not correct.

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June 15, 2006


Sharon Day
  Barbara, sign in and go to My Member Center then to My Member Info. It's towards the bottom of the page where you'll find the camera selections.

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June 16, 2006


BetterPhoto Member
  And, if your camera isn't listed, you can always type it in on the member's center.

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June 16, 2006 - Chris Budny

BetterPhoto Member
Contact Chris Budny
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  Barbara, I'm not sure you can change it on already-uploaded pictures.

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June 16, 2006

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