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Photography Question 

Paul S. Fleming

Those nasty dust spots on a digital sensor

Hi Folks, I shoot with a Nikon D-70 and love it, except for those dust spots that love the sensor. I keep the camera clean, but just like relatives you don't like they keep coming back for an extended visit. I had a pro clean the sensor. After spending $82.00 the sky was clear again. Now the rascals are starting to re-visit my sensor. I've read about do it yourself cleaning kits. Are they safe for the sensor in the hands of a mechanically challenged person like me, or do I get to see the pro again and pay him so many visits that he can buy a house on the Florida Keys? Suggestions anyone...PLEASE! Thanks, PS Fleming

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June 06, 2006


Sharon Day
  I ordered a cleaning set from Copper Hill. So far all I've had to use was the Sensor Sweep and it worked fine for me and the purchase won't bankrupt you.

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June 06, 2006


Brock E. Litton
  i ordered the kit from copperhill also and love it and now I charge 50 bucks to clea all my friends sensors...just kidding but it does work great. just be careful because you can damage your ccd

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June 06, 2006


Paul S. Fleming
  Sharon D & Brock L, Thank you for your replies to my dust spot question. That should help. I will be checking out Copper Hill asap. Thanks again I hope I can return the favor sometime. PS

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June 08, 2006

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